~hey now~

sarahspeace Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I just joined last week! I started out real good the first few days, staying at or right under my calorie goal. THEN... the last few days were not so good. I was on track during the days, then I'd get really hungry at night (especially after I worked out), so I'd eat more and then end up being over my calorie goal (this included the exercise calories). So I lost a little weight in the beginning of the week and then gained it back plus some at the end of the week...

So maybe I just needed to get that little self-sabotage out of the way first.... I guess I wasn't quite as ready to start eliminating calories as I thought I was... But I'm still here! Going to try to get back on track this week because I can totally see how this site will work wonders for me. I have lost weight counting calories before, so I know it works. And this site makes it even easier! I think I need to just need to get more serious about this, that's why I'm posting! Thanks for reading and good luck to you guys as well! :o)


  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    How often are you weighing yourself? You really shouldn't do it more than once a week, and even then looking at the monthly trend is a better indicator of your progress.

    That being said, I find what helps me is that I always make sure I eat after a workout. But even if I am out of calories, I listen to my body. If I am really hungry I have a small healthy snack. I don't know about you but I can't sleep if I am starving :laugh:

    Don't be too hard on yourself. This is a lifestyle change and takes some getting use to. You can do this and as you see progress (both in how you look and how great you feel) it will be easier to stay on track.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Lovemylife67
    Lovemylife67 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome!! I know what you mean about getting a good start then falling flat. I think we ALL do that at one time or the other. The thing to remember is that there is no failure. Just trial and error. So what if there are a few days here and there where we "fall of the wagon". OK...been there done that. The best thing to do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. Of course it's more fun if you have friends to pick you up and support and motivate you along the way. Makes life a little easier. Each day is a new chance to start again. One day and one step at a time is the best way to go. I tried to do everything at once and finally realized that everything in moderation doesn't just apply to food. Good luck to you. You'll do great!!!!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Just make sure that you are eating highly filling but healthy foods. Eat a snack about an hour before you work, something small but filling and then make sure you eat small amounts through out the day. Today is my first day on this site, but I am a professional dieter. I lost 25 pounds last year, by just watching what I ate and getting my butt moving....I had to learn to adjust how and when I ate because of the working out. It takes time, be patient, don't beat yourself up. Remember, healthy filling foods for snacks is key....keep them on hand all the time and empty the house of the bad snacks so they can not tempt you. Good luck and don't lose faith. This is not easy. We did not get over weight, over night....we won't lose weight over night either.
  • Yeah, I am definitely weighing myself too often! And it is also that time of the month where my weight naturally seems to go up for a week anyway. So you're right, I think I do need to cut myself some slack. Progress, not perfection! Thanks for responding! :o)
  • Yeah, breaking it down to one day at a time (even one meal at a time) really helps make it more manageable and less overwhelming. Glad to know I'm not alone, thanks for the motivating words! :o)
  • Oh bummer, I just realized we can't reply to specific posts... oops! I just wanted to say thanks for the good suggestions on healthy snacks as well, that will definitely be helpful. I just love what you all had to say, thanks so much! :o)
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