Starting a new job totally threw me off track!

Hey all! My name is Sarah and I'm 24 years old. I am not new to MFP - I was an active user til about 6 months ago when I was at my lowest weight and in the best shape of my life! I maintained my clean eating and running til late August. In September, I started my first "big kid" job as a first grade teacher. I had heard that first year teachers go through a lot of stress, but I was definitely not prepared for just how much. Suffice to say that I relapsed into my old habits of binging on junk food and not working out. Now I have gained a lot of weight and flab back and feel so depressed and discouraged with myself. I am starting to fit back into my pre-weight loss clothes and I just feel frumpy. So, I'm going to get back on track with logging my food and hopefully start getting back into running and weight training regularly.

I still have some old friends left, but would love some new faces! I would also love to hear any success stories from people who have had a similar "relapse" in their eating/fitness. Thanks :)