Anti-Inflammatory Foods



  • lalalalyndsey
    My mom has rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory disease) and she says cutting gluten out completely has helped her immensely! :)
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Gluten and all forms of dairy are severely inflammatory to my body and are absolutely NO for me. Both trigger migraines, muscle spasms, joint pain and stiffness, digestive system disruption, bloating, bags under my eyes, and skin breakouts that go on for up to 2 weeks.


    My breakfast is packed full of anti-inflammatory food choices such as berries, nuts, chia and flax seeds. Sweet potatoes, avocados, tuna and salmon are all good inflammation fighters and are frequently on my menu as well. I do still eat meat and even some red meat, but am inclined to back off in that area because I can see some inflammation when I have more than a few ounces a day.

    Interesting. I was having muscle spasms all the time either in my feet or back... and you just made me realize that those symptoms have stopped. Wow. Never even thought it could be related!

    I'm going to have to learn to like sweet potatoes. I know that those are good but as a kid I HATED them so I have to find ways to make them the way I will actually "like" them.... the rest of what you mentioned I already eat except for Chia - I haven't been able to find it. Health food store? And how do you eat/prepare them?
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member

    Interesting. I was having muscle spasms all the time either in my feet or back... and you just made me realize that those symptoms have stopped. Wow. Never even thought it could be related!

    I'm going to have to learn to like sweet potatoes. I know that those are good but as a kid I HATED them so I have to find ways to make them the way I will actually "like" them.... the rest of what you mentioned I already eat except for Chia - I haven't been able to find it. Health food store? And how do you eat/prepare them?

    Health food store should have chia seeds but if not they're on Amazon. I use ground chia in my morning smoothie, although it should probably be called a pudding because between the flax, the chia, and the hemp seeds it comes out so thick I put it in a bowl and eat it with a spoon =)

    But there are lots of other ways to use chia seeds, for examples: and health benefits at:
  • mrtoaster
    mrtoaster Posts: 90 Member
    I have previously had some suspected gout attacks. I was told that most berries were high in antioxidants and were anti-inflammatory also citrus fruits were beneficial. I now try and incorporate 3 portions of of berries or fruits every day
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member


    (Or is everyone hiding from Hurricane Sandy tonight?)
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    So for a while now I've been doing some reading up on anti-inflammatory foods, and I am wondering if anyone else here has been doing their homework on it as well....

    I've been trying to incorporate some of these foods every day into my diet since I started here and I HAVE noticed a difference in how I feel.

    Has anyone else tried to ramp up on these foods or ????
    Total crap. Different people react to different foods differently. There is a reliable blood test that can determine inflammatory response to foods, and it has not shown any sort of universal inflammatory/anti-inflammatory responses.

    E.g. I have 0 inflammatory reaction to gluten, solanine, and a variety of other widely considered "inflammatory" foods, but many "anti-inflammatory" foods such as sweet potato and olive oil produce a profound inflammatory reaction.

    Simply put, this whole area of nutrition is overhyped and not supported by science.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    ginger is good as well. if you have an asian market near you, you can find ginger tea.

    i also use fresh ginger in my cooking
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    So for a while now I've been doing some reading up on anti-inflammatory foods, and I am wondering if anyone else here has been doing their homework on it as well....

    I've been trying to incorporate some of these foods every day into my diet since I started here and I HAVE noticed a difference in how I feel.

    Has anyone else tried to ramp up on these foods or ????
    Total crap. Different people react to different foods differently. There is a reliable blood test that can determine inflammatory response to foods, and it has not shown any sort of universal inflammatory/anti-inflammatory responses.

    E.g. I have 0 inflammatory reaction to gluten, solanine, and a variety of other widely considered "inflammatory" foods, but many "anti-inflammatory" foods such as sweet potato and olive oil produce a profound inflammatory reaction.

    Simply put, this whole area of nutrition is overhyped and not supported by science.
    This is the Oprah show in here with Dr. Oz and Sylvia Browne. No one is going to accept science.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Any of you gluten free people please add me...I am gluten free and would love some friends on here that are too!!