
kimmer6160 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am 34 years old and have never been really over weight however I have always struggled with food. Pretty much all of the women on both sides of my family are over weight/obese so I constantly have the fear of becoming obese. I know that I need to make some lifestyle changes if I want to stay healthy. I have been teatering between normal and over weight ever since I had my first child 5 years ago. I recently joined a local weight loss challenge which gave me the motivation to start exercising. Getting up 6 days a week at 5:30 in the morning has been a HUGE step for me. I have never been a morning person. However, now I find that I am addicted. I hate the 1 day that I take off because I feel like I am being lazy. I used to think people were crazy when they said they had to get up and run/exercise first thing in the morning. I used to think there was no way that would make me feel better. And at first it didn't. The first couple of months of doing it I was still lacking energy every day. I kept going and now I feel great! I feel like I have so much energy. I didn't see any weight loss for the first 4 months which was kind of frustrating but I was starting to feel better so that was ok. I did see a loss of 5 inches total in those first 4 months so at least I was losing something. Then this month I finally am starting to see weight loss. From Jan. 4-12 I lost 5.66lbs! Then from the 12th - 19th another 3 lbs. I don't expect to have that great of a loss each week but to finally start seeing a loss is a great feeling. I really just want to be an ideal healthy weight and maintain that weight. I want to be a healthy fit mother for my children.


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