Gaining muscle, losing fat, but fit the same???



  • anjiila
    anjiila Posts: 11
    Sometimes, we have to realize that our bodies are predisposed to having big hips or whatever. You can be very fit and not be model thin or have a perfectly symetrical shape.

    Yeah, that's very true, but only 2 1/2 years ago, I worked my way down to size 2/4, with the same post babies body I have now, so I know it's possible. I'm just totally kicking myself now for getting too "comfortable", letting go of the workouts and letting it all slide :P

    Oh, and I totally agree I do have a specific body type, but it's one I love and can't wait to get back to... even when I was a 98lb 20 year old, and could eat ANYTHING I wanted without gaining an ounce, I had my awesome bubble butt and curvy hips and thighs, and I'm happy that no matter how "tight" I get my body, I'll always have those :)
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    From what I've read, the only TRULY accurate way to know if you are gaining muscle, without fancy lab tests, is if you gain strength, which I definitely have. I am using higher weights every few weeks, able to weight train for longer periods and it takes much more to fatigue my muscles than when I started.

    You can get stronger and lift heavier weight without putting on a single pound of LBM. Gaining strength just means the muscles you already have are getting stronger but you aren't adding new muscle to your body.

    i completely agree with this. in the 85 days i've been here logging religiously and dedicating myself to exercise, i haven't lost 1lb. my clothes do feel just a tiny bit looser but i haven't dropped a size. i am however significantly stronger than when i began with weight lifting. i highly doubt i have gained any muscle mass. but my muscles are starting to "surface"...if that makes any sense. i think what is happening is that i'm burning the fat layer that's covering the muscle underneath (if anyone would like to correct me, please feel free to do so).