Need help with how to log this workout

I have two walk it off with george foreman work out dvds. The walk and box and the circuit walk. How should I log those as it has some lunges and squats. I don't believe it's intense enough to be considered a circuit. Any thoughts? I am thinking about adding some hand weights to all of this to try and kick it up a little, but just five pound weights. Any help would be appreciated!


  • Firephoenix013
    Bump. Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?
  • QuietLegs
    I log my workouts in a relative scale from how hard it makes me sweat / breathe compared to cycling, running, and walking.

    From walking to running is a great metric - I have to walk much faster and harder than a 3mph stroll on level surface to start sweating or increase my breathing. By comparison, a 6mph run starts to make me sweat about 3/4 of a mile in, and by 3 miles, I'm starting to sweat seriously.

    So how does this workout stack up for you compared to your workouts? Figure out which exercise it's closest to, calorically, and then log it like so!

    For me, I occasionally under-log. For example, I log my table tennis exercise minutes exactly as MFP lists, despite the fact that I'm confident I burn a lot more calories playing ping pong than MFP estimates. I suspect MFP and other exercise estimation websites use normal people just bouncing the ball back and forth as the basis for their calorie burn estimate; I play hard against moderately advanced players, and most of us are sweating - some quite hard - by the end of even 20 minutes of play.

    So I'd suggest either 1) finding the closest exercise to the amount of exertion you feel you're expending, or 2) under-report and just call it "walking."