Taller girls who shed weight, help!

Hi, I've been on the site for a while (technically) but only have started to utilize is about a month ago after a visit to the doctor, which put me at 166lbs. I freaked out and started to take weight loss seriously. I've always been overweight, and went down from 14 (at 12yrs old) to 6 over the years, and been messing (struggling) with weight loss since.
I don't actually know if 166lbs was accurate due to jacket, boots, etc. so I can't say if the progress is "real" because I purchased a scale after I began logging.
Anyhow, I think I'm stuck in terms of weight loss.
BMR:1500 (average)
TDEE:1906 (sedentary)
I've always (again, since about 12) eaten healthy and exercised, so I was relatively toned when I began logging and now more so, but the pounds aren't really coming off. My exercise routine includes, 30 Day Shred and Kickboxing Fix and sometimes Biggest Looser, and Brazilian Bum Bum work outs and sometimes others are thrown into the mix.

I know my net calories are kind of low, but I don't starve myself and I eat when I'm hungry and try to eat well. I can't imagine eating much more than I do now.
I'm curious if anyone with the same body type had the same issue and overcame it? If there's anything I could do to get the pounds to come off. Any criticism of my eating habits are welcome. Or any work out suggestions. Diaries are open. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I have seen similar threads but they aren't helpful to me personally, as I've been hovering around 160 for about a year now.