Needing a little encouragement

vidald Posts: 75 Member
Hi everyone,

Let me start by saying I am new here! A bit about myself... I was in a long term relationship for 16 years with a man who thought exercise consisted of getting off the couch to see if the remote fell between the cushions. He spent years telling me I was lazy and didn't encourage me to reach goals. I was highly active before meeting him but when you have no motivation to do anything you too become just as lazy.

I have been separated for a year now and have found someone new who is very active and is not one bit lazy. Before meeting him and when I first met him, I lost 10 pounds due to stress. However, since then I have gained it back because I became comfortable with him. He of course tells me I do not need to lose weight and I am beautiful the way I am. (Yep he is a keeper) However, he doesn't have to squeeze his muffin top into dress pants everyday and wear big sweaters to cover the fact I have to sit somedays with the top button undone at my desk! (Please tell me I am not the only person that has had to do this?)

I want to be able to look in the mirror and see what he sees but of course we are our worst critic. My first goal is to lose 10 pounds before my xmas party in December. I have lost 1.5 pounds so far. My overall goal is to lose 15 pounds. Anything more would just be a bonus.

This weight loss is about gaining back my confidence and being able to look at myself in the mirror and saying "I am happy with what I see!"

So if there is anyone out there needing a buddy...Let me know! I know I need a few to stay on track!


  • ch2125k
    ch2125k Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, we all need encouragement. I am sure your boyfriend is correct, and you are beautiful just the way that you are. However, if you need a friend, count me as one.
  • Hi my name is Jack an am looking or alitle encourgment also. I'm abut 25lbs overweigt at225 and 6'6''. I'm starting a round of Insanity on Wed. and could use a little motavation if anyone is lookin' for a buddie.
  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    Hi there! I'm glad to see that you want to lose the weight for you and no one else! I'm here if you need encouragement! :smile: