help me to like yoga!

I've tried yoga before but I never really got into it like many others out there. I think I need a little convincing on the physical and mental benefits yoga provides....maybe even a good place to start i.e. dvds. I like to try new workouts in the comfort of my own home....I'm sure I'll look silly.

Thanks in advance :)


  • shelloli
    I like Sara Ivanhoe's DVD's. They are very basic. Great for intro to yoga! =)
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I used to hate yoga because I thought it was "hippyish". I actually tried a class at a gym with a good instructor and I love it!! I buld GREAT muscle tone with it and feel very strong and balanced when I do it. I havn't done it in a while and miss it. I have the Biggest Loser yoda dvd and I like it. I'm just not a work out at home person. :(
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    Call me crazy but I prefer Bikram yoga. I find most other types a little boring and like "now I want a real workout" . Bikram is challenging enough that I feel motivated and inspired. It is not for everyone but I suggest you check it out!
  • augustbells
    I love love love Gaiam's Yoga dvd's featuring Suzanne Deason. I recommend trying Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss, Yoga for Weight Loss, Easy Yoga, Yoga Conditioning for Women, or Maintenance Yoga for Weight Loss.

    Good luck!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I did yoga a few years back, I started losing like 7 pounds a week! I was doing it almost every day an hour a day. Unfortunately the dvd I had was used so much that it skips through out the whole thing :cry:

    However I've found a show on the Fit channel (direct Tv) called "Shimmy". It's belly dancing! A lot of the mechanics are similar to yoga and they actually do yoga stretching in the beginning for warm ups. I'm sure you could find a dvd similar to what I use, it's a lot of fun and a great confidence booster with your body. Since starting I've noticed muscle tone in my legs and stomach the most.. but a lot of the recent shows I've done concentrate on the arms as well!

    Good luck!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I love love love Gaiam's Yoga dvd's featuring Suzanne Deason. I recommend trying Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss, Yoga for Weight Loss, Easy Yoga, Yoga Conditioning for Women, or Maintenance Yoga for Weight Loss.

    Good luck!

    Suzanne Deason, I did the Yoga for Weight Loss when I was losing all that weight and inches. It was actually what had me at my lowest weight, 115 pounds! I need to get a new one! Great for doing right before bed too, really relaxes you!
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Why exactly do you need to like yoga? If you want to become more flexible, then you can simply add more stretching into your routine. If you are looking for spiritual enhancement, then you can add mediatation into your day. But I don't see any reason why you should force yourself to like a certain type of exercise - the key to sticking with an exercise program is by doing something you actually like!

    But if you are determined to like yoga come hell or high water, then I advise against using DVDs because there is no one present to ensure your positioning is correct. You can actually injure yourself, if some poses are done incorrectly. If you have a few spare dollars, I suggest instead, that you arrange for a private yoga session or two. The individual attention is a great way to get introduced to and educated about the practice. Then, you can work on some of the things in the comfort of your own home, while deciding if you want to continue with yoga or not.
  • AlynnP1005
    I love love love love yoga, for the benefits to my mind and body. I honestly think that yoga is best done at a class, with a good instructor, at least until you get a good grasp of the right postures and poses. Thats when you benefit the most, when your body is aligned just right in the poses. I go to a very small studio with a fantastic instructor who makes my hour fun and relaxing, so it doesnt even feel like I am working out but I am almost always sore in new areas the next day. If you really want to go the DVD route, the Biggest Loser Yoga for Weight Loss is good, and the yoga practices with 10 minute trainer are good too.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    The Biggest Loser Weightloss Yoga...its for beginners and is really encouraging. I was intimidated by yoga but now i love it.