How do I start climbing?

There is a rock wall at my gym, but I have never tried it before and I don't have a buddy to go with me that could feed me rope or anything. Does it always require two people? Is there a way I could climb by myself?


  • wmagoo27
    wmagoo27 Posts: 201 Member
    Look into bouldering. No ropes, close to the ground, you can do it by yourself. You might see if the climbing wall has a posting of people looking for partners, or if they offer an intro class that will teach you how to put on a harness, tie in, and belay.
  • George1567
    Many rock gyms have auto belay systems so you can climb alone. I would think all would have a intro class that is required for first time users. They would go over fitting the harness, tie in knots, carabiner use, and belay ops.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Always wanted to know this. Thanks for asking and the responses.
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    Ask your gym. Most will have you sign a wavier and take an introduction/safety class. There are ways to self belay, but I've never done that and wouldn't until after having a partner on belay for awhile first. Even then, you should never climb alone.

    I took a beginner rock climbing class in college. Never got very good at it but it was fun. Unfortunately for me most of the wall's courses (rock grips marked by colored tape tags) were installed by tall people. At 5 foot tall, things that most people could reach were more of an (often failed) "dynamic" leap. Another short girl and I never made it all the way up the wall because of the reach factor.

    I was really good at knots and always keep the rope nice when I was the one running a belay though. If the person climbing was a big tall guy though, it could get funny if he fell. I had to learn dynamic belay for that because once a guy fell and I was in the right position and all that but his fall still lifted me off the ground! He didn't hit the floor mat, but we were both dangling off the wall! Instructor took the opportunity to teach us the more advanced belay once we got down.