new HRM

I'm sorry if this has already been posted but I searched previous posts and didnt find anything.

I just bought the sportline sx universal combo monitor, got it set up with all my info and put it on, in the last 5 hours it has gauged my calories burned at half what this site says I should burn for the whole day (or almost half, it currently says I've burned 769 calories). I've mostly been sitting either at the computer and crocheting, getting up less than a hand full of times to get something to eat or other things, my heat beat hasn't gone much over 100, staying mostly between 70 and 80.

What i'm wondering is, is there any way to be sure it's accurate. Or is this thing just a piece of junk I need to return. I searched review sites and havn't found much info about it. I really need something that's going to give me the correct info on calories burned. Or do I just burn more calories during the day than I think I do?


  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I would love to know the answer to this... I am having the same problem. Mine is a polar
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    My personal opinion is that the Sportline products are generally inferior when it comes to caloric estimation. There is more to estimating calories than just measuring heart rate signals. The top brands like Suunto and Polar use proprietary algorithms to interpret the heart rate signals and estimate calories burned. I know they cost more, but I think these are better products.

    That being said, HRMs are not appropriate tools for measuring resting calories, no matter who makes them.