I need YOUR help!

Hello all-

I don't know whats up with me. When I first joined MFP I was on track, eating healthy, losing weight, and constantly working out. However, in the past 9 months I have gone through a HUGE breakup, got a new job, moved, and completely sucked at staying "on track." I have gained around 10-15lbs that I feel disgusting about, and I really need to find new motivation.

So I ask, what gets YOU on track? Once I am in a good routine it is second nature to me to stick with it-but the problem for me has been getting back INTO that routine! I want to start up a workout program again-for some reason just "going to the gym" doesn't work as well for me as an actual program like INSANITY, and I have INSANITY (which ive done multiple times) and my roommate has p90X (which I haven't tried) so which would be best?

I just want tricks/help/advice on how to pick healthy choices, work out at least 4x a week, and overall live a better, healthier life. I felt so much happier when I was doing that. :(

Thanks for any help!!


  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    it's all about making these changes a habit. one you don't have to think about and one you don't have to argue in your mind about doing. you'll spend way more time arguing with yourself and finding reasons NOT to do what you know you should be doing, than actually just going and doing it. ever spend 3 hours rationalizing with yourself why you can't do a 1 hour workout and why you will definitely do it tomorrow? well, if you'd just have done it, you'd have saved 2 hours of mental gymnastics AND received the satisfaction of completing the workout.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    I think you are feeling a little overwhelmed. 9 months ago, everything was great, you had your routine, and you were heading towards your nutrition and fitness goals.

    Then everything changed...

    Now you need to get back into your routine. Going from inactivity and perhaps poor nutrition choices can seem overwhelming which is likely why you haven't returned.

    Here's my advice...

    Tomorrow, fix one thing. If your nutrition plan is lacking, I recommend going to the grocery store, buying the healthy foods you used to eat, and get back into your routine of eating healthier (dont forget portion size control and consistently logging your food). For now, dont worry about the lack of exercise, you're fixing one thing at a time.

    Seeing as weight loss is roughly 80% "diet" (I prefer "nutrition plan"), correcting this will get you back on the path to where you want to go.

    Then after a period of time, I would say a month or so (focus on this until it becomes routine), begin resuming your exercise routine. I don't recommend jumping back to working out 6X week hard core with P90X or Insanity, I would ease back with perhaps 3x week. Then, after a month or two, when it becomes routine, increase the number of days/week you exercise. That way you'll have less of a chance of either burnout or injury.

    I'm guessing after 3 months or so, you'll be back to your old routine.

    Good luck.
  • QuietLegs
    Willpower is a finite resource. Stressful situations sap away willpower like nothing else. Breaking up, new job, moving... yeesh.

    Cut yourself a little slack for not being perfect. You're only human!

    That said, I'd recommend finding an exercise routine that takes as little willpower as possible to execute.

    For me, it always drains a bit of willpower to work out in the morning, so I switched to running at lunch. I went from running 2-3 times a week to 5-6 times a week, simply because running no longer takes willpower to start. Running at lunch feels so good, that I look forward to it every single day at work.

    Find the least willpower draining method of exercise possible! Pick up a new sport, change the time of day you exercise, bike to work, etc. Now when I exercise, it gives me more willpower.

    Best of luck to you!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    You are all offering great advice, and I seriously appreciate it. I do feel very overwhelmed right now with how my good habits have completely gone to S*- but it helps knowing that I am just human. I think maybe I do try to do too much too soon-I will try to workout everyday and when I don't I get frustrated and then end up quitting. Smaller steps seems like a good solution, and I need to focus on one thing at a time.

    I really, REALLY appreciate the input.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I was dealing with something similar a few months back. And starting in like June I started doing a few of these little things, and Now its November and I am still at it and being consistent! They may sounds kinda silly or random but they help me stay motivated and help me stay on track. 1), I have been reading fun fitness/healthy blogs. At this point I have like 20 bookmarked! I don't read them everyday, but I have them for when I wanna read about other peoples lives/successes/new recipes and that helps me stay motivated. 2) I try new and healthy recipes at least 1x if not more per week... that helps me stay engaged in what I am eating and helps me stay excited about healthy living and 3) I make little goals and I keep track of EVERYTHING on a calendar.

    For example... In the beggining, I was LUCKY if I ate under my calories (using MFP) 2 days out of the week! So I started using small goals of staying under my calories 3 or 4 days out of the week. With exercise I do the same thing. Like i have a goal of working out 4 days a week and then everyday I workout I write it down on a monthly calendar so I can see how I am doing for the week/month. And if I stayed under my calories i put a star or something.

    Small things, small changes help. Its taken me a while to start actually losing weight again but I am finally seeing the scale go in the direction its supposed to go! Good luck, and I am always down for a motivation buddy :)