Late night snacking.

My husband works until midnight or so an I always wait up on him to get home. During this time I generally do housework, homework, or eat. I usually crave carb's but I will snack on whatever is left over from dinner or anything convenient in the fridge. I don't know what to do to stop these cravings. Does anyone have any suggestions that have helped them?


  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I don't know how to stop the cravings but things that have helped me fight them are:

    Brushing your teeth ...nothing tastes good with toothpaste:wink:
    I get in bed and get super warm and snuggly and usually watch TV or read a book, until my hubby gets home (he too works late). I'm too warm and snuggly to get out of bed to get food.
    I workout at night. We have an elliptical so I can watch TV or listen to music but it gives me something to do after the kids go to bed besides eat (Plus I have no other time to do it:laugh: ) But it actually has helped the most!

    Best of luck!
  • luke_863413
    Drink plenty of water. The best 0 cal. appetite suppressant out there.
  • SandraCha
    I agree with brushing the teeth. It just makes me naucious thinking about eating after I brushed my teeth so that def. works!

    Maybe take that time to work out. LIGHT WORKOUT. Maybe do some stretches, jumping jacks, and sit up/push ups. Usually when I do that - I tend to get in this "motivated" mode and not want to eat.

    ALSO, remind yourself that it's already midnight. Breakfast is only 6-8 hours away so you can hold off and until then, you'll have an even better breakfast just because you held off the late night snack and you'll feel much better about it! :)

    That's what I do!
  • mistilinn
    Thank you all. I do need to drink more water. Maybe between drinking water and a light workout I can fight off the cravings.
  • faile486
    faile486 Posts: 21 Member
    Just watch drinking too much water before going to bed or you'll have to pee in the middle of the night!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I definitely agree about the water and brushing teeth...if I ever have a huge sweet craving that even those won't fix, I love frozen grapes, chocolate protein powder in water, or a really yummy fruit herbal tea :)