what do you do...?



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thank you all for your thoughts on this! I really appreciate it.

    Basically the main point I saw is that cheat days are a no-no. Simply make room for whatever "cheat" meal/snack you want into your daily calorie allowance, or eat a smaller portion.

    Got it! I will be putting your suggestions to work! Again, thank you, all! :flowerforyou:
    A lot of people do "cheat" days and find it helps keep them on track. I think the key point is to try to find what works for you. Perhaps start with moderation/portion control, and see if that works, and if you feel the need for a "cheat" meal or day, incorporate that into your week. Just make sure you don't go overboard and undo the rest of the week's work. What works for one person, might not work for another. The great thing about calorie counting is that you can tailor your diet to suit you.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I've not had a cheat day since I started MFP but I have had days when I have gone out to dinner and unintentionally ate 200/300 calories over. I don't think I need one as I feel happy with the way things are going.

    I used to have a cheat day when I was lowcarbing. Sometimes it worked well as I saved all my treats until friday which motivated me. However there was also times where one day wasn't enough and I went over to saturday as well.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I don't have a strict diet. I am just more aware of the choices I make when eating. I am much more healthier in what I choose to eat in comparison to what I did and I can honestly say it has made a huge impact in how I feel. I don't have a particular day where I allow myself a 'cheat' because every so often I feel like eating something a bit 'naughty' and I wil allow myself to have it on that occasion but in moderation. I do this because I have come so far and I deserve to enjoy a treat every so often when I feel like it (:

    Exactly this!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Sunday is a fun food day for me. I eat whatever and don't log. If I start to feel my weight creep up a bit then I go back to a cheat meal (as opposed to a whole day) on Sunday and I log everything.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I walk the straight and narrow M-Th & Sa. Friday is "date night" so it is always dinner out. I eat what I want but I still try to make good choices or I eat less of a high fat or high soduim meal. I also balance it with breakfast/lunch. Saturday I cook a lower calorie--healthier family dinner like grilled salmon or chicken with salad or brown rice. Sunday I cook a "comfort food" family dinner like meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I eat less of it and have a balance for breakfast/lunch. This is my life and I want to enjoy it. This is not dieting/cheating--this is how I eat. I log every day except if I am on vacation.