
I have been overweight since I was about 8 yrs old (started when my parents divorced) I married at a young age (was with my husband since I was 16) waited until my last child grad high school before I left that was 3.5 yrs ago....I need need to get this weight off this time.....I want to look in the mirror and like what I see.....feel alone....overweight and overwhelmed .....I am not a patient person so I look on here and see how many ppl have lost weight and think can I ever get there.....feeling as if I will never see results......so any help or kicks or pushes are more than welcome.....I can use it all.....thanks


  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stay away from soda and candy and anything sweet with sugar. Water water water. And just run
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    I started off with a brisk walk - at least 5 times a week ... Now I run!! Running for me has been my answer. People are different, so it might not be yours. Change your eating habits and try to limit sugars. Read labels and drink so much water you wanna puke! lol water water water ... what he said :) Good luck sweetie!
  • I know what you mean by being overwhelmed and impatient. It seems like an eternity before the weight will come off. Try to think more about how your clothes fit and look at older pictures of yourself during this journey so you can see the results. Do not always rely on the number on the scale, it may not go down but if you are losing inches you are succeeding!

    Set small daily, weekly, monthly goals so that it feels like you are achieving them quickly and it wont feel like an eternity to get results! One small step at a time! And don't forget... we are not perfect if you have a bad day/week get up and act like it didnt happen! Best of luck!
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I know that overwhelmed feeling! :) I am trying to take things just one day ..one accomplishment at a time.

    I think having friends here is helping to keep me motivated too :)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Don't try to change too many things at one time. You can make your diet too restrictive and become frustrated. Start by controlling your calorie intake with portion control more than eliminating certain food items. This will help you learn how to eat more than anything.

    If you aren't used to exercising, start by getting in a few 30 minute walks per week.

    Don't weigh yourself very often and make sure you use a tape measure and record your measurements. There will be times when the scale won't move, but the inches will be coming off.
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    Just don't forget that you are the only one who can change your future! Stay focused, stay positive (as much as possible, we all have hard days) and stay respectful of yourself. I wish you much success in getting healthy and fit :)
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Looking at before and after pictures have been really motivating for me. I now think " I ONLY have 67 more lbs to lose" instead of " I have 67 lbs to lose (how am I ever going to do that)"
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Don't try to change too many things at one time. You can make your diet too restrictive and become frustrated. Start by controlling your calorie intake with portion control more than eliminating certain food items. This will help you learn how to eat more than anything.

    If you aren't used to exercising, start by getting in a few 30 minute walks per week.

    Don't weigh yourself very often and make sure you use a tape measure and record your measurements. There will be times when the scale won't move, but the inches will be coming off.

    This. :) You can do it!!
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    hiya...i know that feeling too, the whole thing can be so overwhelming and the feeling of "i'll never do it" will always be in the back of my mind...but i wont succeed unless i try...and the more i succeed the more the niggling doubts will subside and be replaced with "i am doing it"

    try to be patient, easier said than done, im the worlds worst with patience lol....take your measurements and figure out YOUR plan of action... we're all different and different things work for differnt people :)
  • lovingvampiress
    lovingvampiress Posts: 23 Member
    Sounds like U need to restart your fat burning so try Lower your Calorie intake to no less then 1500 cal. your sodium to no more than 2000mg a day U have to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks every 3 hrs, Make your plate up of 1/2 veggies 1/4 with lean meat and 1/4 starch, No suger eliminate candy, goodies and soda. Start with walking 15 min. a day at least 4 days a week and work your way up. You don't wanna Injure yourself so start out slow with exercise. As long as you can get your heart pumping your burning calories....Hope this help hun...."I've just started myself but taking a weight loss class and directed by a diaticien" :-)
  • You can do it!! I have to stress that you use baby steps. I am 21 years old and was babysitting when I weighed myself at a whopping 209. I almost had a heart attack because I'm only 5'2 so I was way overweight. I started off by eating what I normally ate but I made sure to count the calories so I began eating less. This was my first step. The second step was I continued counting calories but I switched small things. For example: whole grain white bread instead of regular white bread, diet soda instead of regular (I still need to kick the soda habit), turkey dogs instead of hotdogs, and so on. I just slowly made healthier choices so I didn't feel like I jumped in all at once. It has made all the difference. This is not the first time I've counted calories but it's the first time I took baby steps and now I've lost 20 pounds! Might not be a lot to some but to me, it is just amazing and I really feel like I have control of my life. :)
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    Don't try to change too many things at one time. You can make your diet too restrictive and become frustrated. Start by controlling your calorie intake with portion control more than eliminating certain food items. This will help you learn how to eat more than anything.

    If you aren't used to exercising, start by getting in a few 30 minute walks per week.

    Don't weigh yourself very often and make sure you use a tape measure and record your measurements. There will be times when the scale won't move, but the inches will be coming off.

    ^THIS - can't stress enough how important it is to make small changes, too many, too big, too fast = overwhelmed and failure.
  • ambate2
    ambate2 Posts: 61
    Remember, you didn't put this on in a day, it'll take more than a day to take it off. Slow and steady wins the race. If you are looking for friendly support, feel free to add me!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first step! Here are some things that have helped me:

    -log everything, even if you binge, or go over your goal

    -Try to measure your food intake accurately. A food scale is a great asset.

    -understand that your weight will fluctuate all the time due to differences in water weight. It's ok to weigh every day if that suits you, but do not freak out if you unexpectedly gain overnight. Increased sodium, carbs, increased exercise and hormonal fluctuations can make you gain temporary water weight. Some people like to weigh weekly or even monthly to avoid the fluctuations, which is fine too. See what works for you.

    -accept that this is going to take a long time. It's boring, tedious, frustrating, and when you reach your goal, you'll STILL have to work at it. BUT it's really, really worth it!

    -If you can, find some form of exercise that you really enjoy. Finding something you love will help motivate you to do it. If it's something that you can set goals for yourself with, all the better. There may well be times when you're sick of having to think about losing weight, but being able to go out and achieve something new in your sport or fitness will get you out there.

    -Don't try to change your whole lifestyle all at once. Try to make small, gradual changes that you know you can live with permanently. You don't have to have the perfect diet overnight (or ever!). Start with meeting your calorie goal, then pay attention to your macronutrients and overall balance of your diet. With exercise, if you're not very fit currently, take it slowly and gradually build up fitness. You are only in competition with yourself.

    -Take regular measurements of your body (I do once a month) and regular photos from different angles. They will keep you motivated when the scale doesn't seem to be shifting.

    -Try to see it as a lifestyle change, not a diet. Try not to see things as "good" or "bad", or "cheating" or "falling off the wagon" etc. There are so many improvements you can make to your lifestyle, and you will do in time, and some you may decide aren't relevant to you. Try to create a diet and lifestyle that you think you could live with indefinitely. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or take what seem like backward steps. It doesn't matter how many times you fall, as long as you keep getting back up again!

    -Try to learn as much as you can about nutrition and weight loss. Read threads on these boards, but be prepared to take things with a pinch of salt. There are lots of knowledgeable people on here, but also a lot of people who perpetuate old diet myths (eg. how many meals you "must" eat a day) or give advice that works for them, but may not apply to everyone. Keep things simple to start with, and you'll figure out the finer details that work for you over time.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    Add in more veggies and don't starve yourself! Be kind to yourself too = ) You've put everyone else first for a while.:smile:
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Pick your plan and stick with it. Change takes time, and it's worse if you're hopping all over the map from Paleo to South Beach to Weight Watchers to ..........
  • anarjackson
    anarjackson Posts: 79 Member
    Drink lots and lots of water. Log every single thing you eat. Even the bad stuff. What helped me the most is to introduce myself on the message boards here on MFP and build relationships with people on here. I developed so much motivation and gain daily encouragement. I am determined to excercise and have a good food diary, etc. I also make my food diary public so that everyone can hold me accountable for what I put in my mouth. Good luck girl! :)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Sounds like U need to restart your fat burning so try Lower your Calorie intake to no less then 1500 cal. your sodium to no more than 2000mg a day U have to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks every 3 hrs, Make your plate up of 1/2 veggies 1/4 with lean meat and 1/4 starch, No suger eliminate candy, goodies and soda. Start with walking 15 min. a day at least 4 days a week and work your way up. You don't wanna Injure yourself so start out slow with exercise. As long as you can get your heart pumping your burning calories....Hope this help hun...."I've just started myself but taking a weight loss class and directed by a diaticien" :-)

    While there is obviously no harm that could come from any of these suggestions, they aren't really necessary.

    Unless you know this person's measurements, then you wouldn't be able to calculate her calories. Sodium isn't that necessary to monitor unless you have a medical condition that requires you to do so. Eating multiple times per day changes nothing with regards to metabolism. Therefore, it isn't necessary to eat 6 times a day unless you just enjoy it.
  • feel free to friend me - it is so about the little victories - 3 weeks ago I set out to lose 6 pounds by Thanksgiving - now I may overshoot that goal - makes it even better . I know many run, but I have never run, just briskly walked (although I started not so briskly)...I use a treadmill, because of where I live. I have now lost 60# (50# by myself counting calories and walking, 5 years ago - kept it off but need to lose the other 35-40)....my daughter got me on MFP....7 weeks tomorrow....I have made friends and they are a HUGE support system...which is what you need.....I am here if you need support or a swift kick in the pants....I am short and older (55)....but I do know it can be done....I know everyone wants to lose quickly but it took years to get there....it will take time to come off....Good luck!
  • cecimaguina
    cecimaguina Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! I think we all know the feeling...we wouldn't be here in the first place.
    I started my journey April 2012 just by talking to a good friend who during the course of 1 year lost close to 80lbs - I remember thinking: why that doesn't happen to me??...I called him and remember he told me all the little and big steps he took: from walking a couple of times a week, to reading books about how to run, to motivational books that inspired him to keep going...and the list went on and on. I decided right then to follow his example to just START. Well, I started walking 2-3 times a week only 20min or so (until I was out of breath), then I realized I felt guilty when I skipped workouts, then my weight loss stopped...glup! with all that sacrifice (meaning exercise!) so I figured I need it to push my walking/jogging a little bit more to 4 times a week and more time. I started reading about running and decided to signed up for my first 5K race just to keep me focus and avoid the embarrasment at the finish line!!! Remember I started doing all this April 2012....race is Nov 2012 (actually is Nov. 10th..so excited!).

    I've lost a total of 44lbs (counting my first 14lbs I lost before I heard about this site) in 7 months. I'm involved in 2 challenges at the moment and every discussion I can step into and get tips and advice from others is always extremely helpful - to me is all about listening to other sucess stories and follow their example and commitment.

    I fell in love with this site for its resources but most importantly because all of the sudden I was sorrounded by people just like me who wanted to get fit, healthy and lose weight. You can have the greatest family and friends who support you all the way but (to me) not everyone will share your points of view or lifestyle, ideas or just be interested as much as you should be right now. This site will definitely help with that....get as many friends and join the forums.

    I think we all know the things that we should do and the things we shouldn't be doing (in terms of dieting and exercising) but the reality is that we don't....for whatever reason...stress, feelings, busy schedules, etc - find the triggers that make you "misbehave" and be concious and honest about them (log them in your diary). Our minds are very powerful and we can do whatever we set our minds to.........just have to do it.....no more excuses! We all have 20-30min a day to workout and instead of picking up a big burger take the salad option instead........YOU CAN DO IT! one pound at a time!