


  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    Make sure you have a good support system, not just online but with people you encounter regularly. When the going gets tough you may not be able to get online for help, but if you have a *real* person to rely on, it makes all the difference!

    You CAN do this, but first YOU need to believe you can!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Count your calories. Log your calories. Eat enough to reach your daily goal. Exercise. Don't sweat the small stuff.


    I would also recommend you starting slow. Start with 1 lb per week loss, and try to work in healthy whole foods as much as you can, but don't let yourself quit if you don't want to or can't eat a lot of fruit or veggies and such early on. Focus on hitting your calorie goal first, then start making better choices about food later.

    Make sure you're also not undereating as well. One of the reasons people fail at this is being too ambitious with their calorie restriction early on instead of easing into it and being patient. Think of this as a way to reteach yourself how to eat and move so you can maintain for life.
  • AmyJMadison
    AmyJMadison Posts: 143 Member
    I am a diet coke adict and I know I have to cut it out too. I see it work when I replace with water but I'm not there yet... So don't put your pop in the fridge!!! keep it warm and make yourself pour it over ice. It waters the pop down and makes it last and you get 2 glasses from one can. plus you will get used to the weaker and then you can replace with other stuff. Yes.. lemon water lime water, orange water... whatever
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    artificial sweetners can be hard on your liver, and is also high in caffiene, the caffiene and carbonation can be dehydrating. ....good luck starting out, dont sweat the little slips and things will fall in place, agree to start logging and soo you will see you drink less soda. once i started logging and watching what i eat i went from drinking loads of soda a day to maybe 1-2 a week. still a work in progress, but small changes have a bigger impact over time, focus on lifestyle changes, not a diet.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So I start then stop. Need to learn more about what to eat and what not to eat. It seems like when I think I eat. I think I might be an emotional eater. How do I stop the cravings?? Is Diet Mountain dew bad? I must say I drink alot of it. I know I hear water, water, water. If anyone has advice I so welcome it as I have to get this done and stick with it this time.

    I would advise to continue to eat what you do, but portion control. See what takes you over your calories, what is not worth it, what does not fill you up, start adding things that add value (either nutritionally or that fill you up more, even treats) and taking away what does not. A lot of it is trial and error at first.

    Make sure you weigh/measure and log everything.

    No, as long as you are not drinking cases of the stuff, mountain dew is not bad for you. With regard to water - drink whatever you wish that keeps you within your calorie/macro target and hydrates you.
  • lj4n
    lj4n Posts: 8 Member
    There is quite a bit of sodium in diet drinks ~ check the label!!! Hard on your internal organs & who wants to retain fluids!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Start with becoming more aware of what you eat (logging) and when. Do you eat too much? If so, when? By logging you may be able to become more aware of your triggers. Among other things, triggers can be emotionally, nutritionally, habit or food/taste based.

    Personally I avoid artificial sweeteners because they trigger headaches and other bad reactions for me. Your mileage may vary.

    I've written two blog entries that may be useful for you. One is on water (hydration, alternatives, links to research):
    and the other is on cravings:
    There's also one on How to Use MyFitnessPal. (It's not complete, but has links to other good suggestions.)

    As long as you start more often than you quit, you're doing good. When you can keep going for longer and figure out what works for you, even better. Congratulations on deciding to start again!
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Do you have a digital food scale?
  • jcforever7
    Thank you! I will check out the blogs
  • jcforever7
    No but I take it that it is a good idea?
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Yes diet Mt Dew is bad. Artificial sweetners are poison.

    Proof please!
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    No but I take it that it is a good idea?

    Yes it is, get one that measures in grammes for convenience. I was surprised when I started weighing food just how small 100g of some food are for the calories they contain

    I say grammes because it is UK law that calories per 100g must be on packaged food items, so easy to work out. Not sure if same applies in US
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    jcforever7 wrote:
    No but I take it that it is a good idea?

    Yes, a very good idea, the best $20 you can spend for logging what you eat. Cups are the devil's measure.

    I think scales are *much easier* to use than to use cups.
    You don't have to weigh everything. But if you don't have a scale, you're denying yourself a choice of accurate measurement.
  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    I am diabetic and have to depend on diet sodas, and the artificial sweetners aren't good for you in large amounts. But I have also found that Pepsi Next, which has the same sweetner as regular pepsi but only has 60 calories for a 12 oz can tastes just like regular Pepsi. But since August I have gotten down to where I allow myself one can a day as a treat and no more, and I used to be like you and drink quite a few every day. Be honest when you log your food, it will help you more than you realize, because it helps keep your accountable for what you eat. My 21 year old daughter just started it with me and only has about 23 pounds to lose, but logging her food has been an eye opener for her. If you are like most, you don't even realize how many calories you consume until you start putting it all in writing. I have lost 20 pounds since the beginning of August. When I started I didn't even exercise at all and now I do Zumba 45 mins 4-5 times a week at home and absolutely love it!! Good luck and add me if you like. Hope I didn't ramble too much.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    eat what you want, its all portion control. i would try to quit mountain dew.. sugars.. and it makes you more hungry for all the wrong things