What is the absolute best dinner to eat everday?

I am trying to lose wait and am pretty broke in college. I do not care so much for taste just for the nutritional aspect of the food. I want something I can make quickly and is not too expensive. Any ideas?


  • I would say the best thing to do is evaluate your overall budget. See what you can spend on food each month, then buy the best bulk amounts where you can make a few different recipes with a few items. Not thinking too much on my own diet, I make a quick spinach salad that's flavorful too, but simple. Get a bag of spinach ($2-3), add some sliced almonds (buy this pre-sliced in a bag), garlic spice, a drizzle of olive oil, and you're good to go. You still get fibers from nuts and protein from your spinach this way. Now that you have spinach, use it salads, sandwiches, or cook it with pasta!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    rice, chicken, green veggies.
  • If your broke you could make chili.
    Red beans, black beans, diced tomatoes, ground turkey and chili seasoning all in a crock pot makes a huge amount of food and is very satisfying and low calorie. You can really add whatever veggies you want to it.

    Chicken and non starchy veggies also make for a great meal. Think stir fry.