Question about Fasting. New to this site, HI EVERYBODY !

What are some of your thoughts on intermittent fasting ? has anybody here tried it & if so how are the results coming along ? I'm thinking about doing a 16 hour fasting with an 8 hour eating window daily & was wondering if anybody here has experience in fasting ? any input on the subject would be appreciated, thanks


  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    My family is Muslim so I fast for Ramadan every year. Not the same obviously. You'd be allowed to drink, yes? Either way, it's tough. :( I've never done it besides during Ramadan though.

    Actually now that I think about it the only thing hard about it is not being able to drink. You get hungry, sure, but just distract yourself with other things and drink lots and lots of water to keep you full and hydrated. (:

    Good luck!
  • Scalvak
    Scalvak Posts: 46 Member
    After I have a spree of particularly bad food choices, I've fasted anywhere from 24-72 hours to get back on track. I do drink lots of water and fruit juices (without the added sugar), and while there are mixed feelings about fasts like this I can tell you that I feel GREAT afterwards.