BodyMedia device

Hey...does anyone here have the BodyMedia Fit device?? I want to get one and I just wanted to hear some first hand reviews.



  • sgreen328
    I love mine, I stalled out and then gained weight over the summer because I was lying to myself about how many calories I was really burning. It keeps me honest and I have been steadily losing 2 pounds a week for the last 8 weeks. The only problem is the food logger, but you can integrate MFP with it. Bottom line, I love mine and it keeps me motivated.
  • lvdesertdiva
    lvdesertdiva Posts: 33 Member
    I have the Body Media Fit Link, and so far I LOVE it. I don't even notice I am wearing it most of the time. I have only had it about 2 weeks, but so far I don't have any complaints. The food base isn't very large, but I link with MFP, so that is really a non-issue. The first week I was right on track and lost what it said I would with the calorie deficit shown. I can't wait to see where I wnd up in the weeks to come.

    Feel free to ask me any questions.
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for the input! I have been researching it for a few days now and it seems to be the best way to go. I think if I can actually SEE what's going on I'll do better. I hate tracking my food, but its time to just suck it up and make it happen. Now's the best time to lose weight since it's cover up season LOL! I wonder if they have a social aspect to it. I think that would be fun to see what everyone else is doing. I'm planning on getting mine this week. I'll add you both as friends :) Thanks again!
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I have been researching the BodyMedia also. If you use coupon code MFPBM15 at checkout, you are supposed to receive a 15% off the price. I'm just trying to decide between buying the FIT CORE model or the FIT LINK model. $30 difference.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I ordered the BodyMedia FIT Link earlier today and the coupon works! I'm looking forward to using it to lose the final 30 pounds.
  • lauraincalgary
    lauraincalgary Posts: 2 Member
    I just got one three days ago and love it! The first day it took me a while to understad how everything was supposed to work, but now its great. VERY motivating to keep the calorie deficit where you want it.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I have had mine about 2 months! I LOVE IT~ I find it really pushes me to get moving because I hate to see that my activity level was low. I have also learned I am not a great sleeper most of the time. I am very happy with it and I love it more now that I can sync my food journal from here. It was harder before because the journal on the bodymedia didn't have a lot of the foods and you had to log all the info.
  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    If you have a spouse, what do they think of you wearing it all the time? That is the only thing holding me back right now from purchasing it.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I don't think mine cares. Even if he did...I would still wear it. It helps me stay on track which in turn will keep me looking better, lol.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I love mine. I've learned so much from it. I couldn't figure out why I was losing weight even when I would eat at a calculated maintenance. When I got my BMF, I found out I was burning anywhere from 300-500 calories more than what most calulators say would be my max TDEE.

    I also learned that my sleep is crap. I "lay down" for 8 hours, but only sleep for about 4.

    In the beginning it was super annoying to wear at night, and it's an eye-sore if you are wearing something that shows your arms. Aside from that, I never had much of an issue with it. I've had one for so long that I forget I am wearing it sometimes, and so does my boyfriend.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    Why did you get BodyMedia over Fitbit? Doesn't BodyMedia require a monthly subscription $$?
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Why did you get BodyMedia over Fitbit? Doesn't BodyMedia require a monthly subscription $$?

    I tried using FitBit, but it calculated my TDEE to be about 300 calories less than my BMF.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    If you have a spouse, what do they think of you wearing it all the time? That is the only thing holding me back right now from purchasing it.

    I've had mine for awhile now but had flaked out on wearing it for a couple of months. Now that MFP links with BM I'm wearing it again and have found it amazingly helpful! Before when I had to deal with two sites it was just a pain but now that they're linked they take care of the details and I just log on MFP. I can still check the BM dashboard for more detailed info but the calorie burn it updated here automatically. Loving that!

    As for the spouse, he doesn't notice or seem bothered by it. One thing he does like to do is see if he can spike my activity levels with, ahem, "activity". :) He saw it and went "Challenge Accepted!"
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Yes it requires a monthly subscription. But I would rather pay the 7 bucks a month and get correct accurate information for my body itself. Fitbit was more giving you the calories burned off the steps you took, which is fine. But when it came to other workouts it really stunk. I started out with Fitbit One for like 4 days and then my sister in law told me about the bodymedia core armband and I AM IN LOVE!! I returned my Fitbit One and ordered this from Best Buy the same day. All I can say is I love how its so accurate with how much I really burned :D! I mean with MFP it says 335 for a workout and if its less on BM then it will change it so easily for me on MFP. So all I can say is if you just want to know the calories burned from your steps and not have it to the T of yourself then go with Fitbit, but if you want a great deal accurate on everything you do with your own body then Bodymedia Core armband is for you. The LINK is awesome too but you can pay 50 bucks more to have a smaller core band and still get all the info that the LINK would give you on your device. :D
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and get this. I've researched the Nike Fuel band, regular pedometers, Fitbit, etc and the one that keeps coming up on top regarding accuracy is the BodyMedia. Plus with the discount and the ability to sync with MFP I think I'll finally have something that works.

    I've been trying to lose weight for most of my life sadly. I do exactly what the books, websites, etc say to do and then get discouraged when I weigh myself. To that end I wanted to find an alternative to the scale too. I'll prob still weigh in but only weekly until I can figure out what works, then eventually I'd like to not use the scale at all. Three numbers don't define me and a bad weigh in can mess up an entire day! NO MORE! I'll post more once I get the BodyMedia device. I'm definitely getting the Link...the extra couple of dollars seems worth it.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Hope you love your bodymedia fit as much as I do. Warning. Give it a couple of weeks to get used to your body and your workouts and don't feel like you have to use the number of calories consumed or burned it gives you for your original goal. Mine started out too high and was discouraging, but after about two weeks I customized it for me and lost the last 18 pounds in less than 6 months and that included two vacations when I didn't do my usual workouts and ate much less healthily than I would have at home.

    There are groups here of people with the armbands, but they aren't very active, but there is also one on facebook that has a few more people who check in every day.
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Someone mentioned a social aspect, no not really. BodyMedia has a Facebook page and many of us are also in a group on Facebook (BodyMedia fit friends), we share info through that.
    I have the Link and love it but do as Kate said and give it some time to learn your body.
  • smulokwa
    smulokwa Posts: 45 Member
    Awesome! Diligence is the key for me. Once I get on a good track, I'll keep it moving. The hard part is getting started. I just joined the Facebook group too. I'll read up and see if any more questions get answered :) Looking for all the tips/tricks and motivation I can find!
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I just bought one. Feels a wee bit funny but suspect I will get used to it shortly. Good advice on giving it a couple weeks. It is showing a higher burn than my Fitbit but I also think (hope) that Fitbit under measures
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I LOVE my BodyMedia band! :) Its a huge help and encouragement to me and helps me know I'm on the right track... There are days I don't wear it when I just get tired of having it on or I forget it as I'm running out the door, but generally I wear it every day and it doesn't bother me at all.