Starving to loose weight??



  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member

    I must be a prophet for something...

    If breakfast is so important to weight loss how is it that about 85% of the country eats breakfast but about 40% of the country is obese? There is no correlation between eating breakfast and weight loss....

    I haven't had breakfast in five weeks and I lost one body and one percent body fat...

    Sorry, but this is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have seen. The 40% is obese, not because they eat breakfast, but because the eat too much all day. You are going to need better facts than these to try and make a correlation. Anyway, I am sure people can lose weight without breakfast. There are other reasons why breakfast is important as any doctor will tell you. And just for full disclosure, I just started eating breakfast after years of not eating it and being obese. I am typically not hungry in the morning. But I have noticed one thing after a couple of weeks at this. When I eat breakfast I find it easier to stick with my calorie goals and to get in a workout. That is just me. I am sure everyone is different.

    DITTO - it is important to get your metabolism started for the day...any trained nutritionist or doctor will back this up. You dont have to do it of course and still can drop weight but if you can it is best to dol
  • dickrocketjones
    dickrocketjones Posts: 78 Member
    I agree. your body is defending itself by retaining calorie dense fat. most likely at the expense of muscle.
  • XjuliaXannX
    XjuliaXannX Posts: 67 Member

    I must be a prophet for something...

    If breakfast is so important to weight loss how is it that about 85% of the country eats breakfast but about 40% of the country is obese? There is no correlation between eating breakfast and weight loss....

    I haven't had breakfast in five weeks and I lost one body and one percent body fat...

    Sorry, but this is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have seen. The 40% is obese, not because they eat breakfast, but because the eat too much all day. You are going to need better facts than these to try and make a correlation. Anyway, I am sure people can lose weight without breakfast. There are other reasons why breakfast is important as any doctor will tell you. And just for full disclosure, I just started eating breakfast after years of not eating it and being obese. I am typically not hungry in the morning. But I have noticed one thing after a couple of weeks at this. When I eat breakfast I find it easier to stick with my calorie goals and to get in a workout. That is just me. I am sure everyone is different.

    amen. it's what you eat that has a lot to do with it.
  • If you are working out 75 - 85 minutes every day and eating what you posted, your body probably thinks its starving itself and is telling you need more food. I think you should have at least 1 day of rest a week from the exercise.

    I would also eat a little more.

    Finally, are you really tracking everything you're eating. If you aren't, you could be eating more than you think you are.

    Secondly, chewing gum always makes me feel hungry.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    I must be a prophet for something...

    If breakfast is so important to weight loss how is it that about 85% of the country eats breakfast but about 40% of the country is obese? There is no correlation between eating breakfast and weight loss....

    I haven't had breakfast in five weeks and I lost one body and one percent body fat...

    Sorry, but this is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have seen. The 40% is obese, not because they eat breakfast, but because the eat too much all day. You are going to need better facts than these to try and make a correlation. Anyway, I am sure people can lose weight without breakfast. There are other reasons why breakfast is important as any doctor will tell you. And just for full disclosure, I just started eating breakfast after years of not eating it and being obese. I am typically not hungry in the morning. But I have noticed one thing after a couple of weeks at this. When I eat breakfast I find it easier to stick with my calorie goals and to get in a workout. That is just me. I am sure everyone is different.

    DITTO - it is important to get your metabolism started for the day...any trained nutritionist or doctor will back this up. You dont have to do it of course and still can drop weight but if you can it is best to dol

    quote the DR...

    there is no evidence that eating breakfast "stokes your metabolism" go read the study. Actually if you ate two to three large protein meals you would probably see more of a metabolic burn...