hypothyroidism makes me gain weight....



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You can't fix a thyroid issue with diet and it isn't something your cure or that goes away. You need to get on medication before you do permanent damage to your body. You've managed to find the money for internet service, probably a cell phone, etc so dig deep and look after your health.
  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    You can't fix a thyroid issue with diet and it isn't something your cure or that goes away. You need to get on medication before you do permanent damage to your body. You've managed to find the money for internet service, probably a cell phone, etc so dig deep and look after your health.
    You are absolutely right. I had my thyroid removed years ago. It controls nearly everything in your body. Number one is it can do heart damage if you do not take your medication. It will mess up your heart beat. I hope you take this very serious and get help. Also .....do not eat cabbage...it interferes with your medication and your thyroid. Good Luck!
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism - I have been on Levoxyl for over10 years and other posters are correct - you should seek medical advice and medication suggestions.

    But correcting the tyroid levels alone is not enoght. My dosage is now keeping my numbers correct however, my sugar has started to climb so my doc recently put me on the Duke University Diet - which is basically no or low carbs (think Atkins or South Beach) - give up anything white - wheat, flour, sugars (hidden sugars like in fruits) starches. I have been on the program for 2 weeks now and have lost an amazing 10 lbs as of this morning and that was thru thanksgiving. It's all about commitment - she wants me on this program for 3 months and I have sworn to stick to it - even through our upcoming vacation to Disney world.

    I was out of breath climbing the stairs, not sleeping well, tired all the time, etc.... in just two weeks I have more energy, and breathing better. I am not falling asleep at my desk each day..... If you can find this plan or other low carb plans on line give it a try - for at least 2 weeks or a month is even better - you might be amazed... we are similar in weight and height and my first goal is to break the 200 mark!

    You can adjust you goals on MFP to reduce the amount of carbs you take in - ignore calories and fat just concentrate on getting under 50 grams of carbs per day... Lots of veggies,meats and eggs.

    As others have stated make sure you are eating enough - 1000 calories puts your body into starvation mode and you will not burn your "fuel" effectively. My diet is around 1400 per day and it's working well.

    As with any lifestyle change seeing a doctor first is always the best route. and as someone else said, figure out where you can cut out something out of your budget ( just eating in might help!) so you can afford the meds you need.

    Good luck - and please get that Thyroid checked!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I am dealing with hypothyroidism, and yeah i gain rapidly, but im not taking meds for it becuz of no insurance

    My thryoid pills (without insurance) don't cost me that much I think the last time with out my insurance it cost me 16 dollars for 30 days - I don't know where you live or how much they are but I would think that your health no matter what cost should be the highest priority. When I was unemployed and without insurance I found a way to have my pills - a lot of the time it was with my recycling of plastic bottles that my friends and family were kind enough to give me every 30 days.

    You cannot revers hypothyroidism with just changing your iet. The only thing that truly helps is the pills you and with out them youare hurting your body. I know without mine my hair falls out, I am exhausted - even after 10 hours of sleep, I am constantly cold and there is no way to warm up.

    I am not going to comment on the fact that you are on the internet because I know that libraries etc. have free internet... but I do suggest you find a way to get the prescription.
  • butterfly10398
    thereegetables, stay away from gluten, also try to avoid foods that have added sugars, that are bad for you, inc are a list of foods that you should stay away from with having hypothyroidism, which include spinach, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and turnips, fried vluding foods that contain corn syrup, also stay away from products that contain soy, peaches, peanuts and strawberries...

    I have read up a LOT on hypothyroidism as I am managing mine without the aid of synthroid or any other kind of prescription medicines. there are a multitude of articles online that are helpful. here is one of the few.


    if you WANT go the way of medicine, synthroid isn't that expensive, the most expensive part is getting diagnosed, and paying for the blood tests.
  • butterfly10398
    there are a list of foods that you should stay away from with having hypothyroidism, which include spinach, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and turnips, fried vegetables, stay away from gluten, also try to avoid foods that have added sugars, that are bad for you, including foods that contain corn syrup, also stay away from products that contain soy, peaches, peanuts and strawberries...

    I have read up a LOT on hypothyroidism as I am managing mine without the aid of synthroid or any other kind of prescription medicines. there are a multitude of articles online that are helpful. here is one of the few.
