What's your Goal?

I'm just curious as to what everyone's goals are?
I'm 178cm (5'10") and my goal is about 60kg (132.27)

What are you calorie and excercise goals/plans?


  • queensturg
    I'm 5'1 and my goal is about 125lbs, maybe 120 (don't want to be too thin, just want to be the ideal weight for my height)

    Currently my calorie goal is 1390 per day, and I exercise 3-5 times per week, depending what my work schedule allows me time for. I usually fall a bit under the 1390 per day, and on exercise days I usually eat back a little of the calories I burn, but not all of them.
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    I have a goal of 150lbs but honestly, I just want to look good in my clothes. If I look good at 160, I might hang around there for a while. I definitely don't want to be "skinny", just lean and mean ;).

    *also, I'm 5'5 where 150 is at the top end of being at a healthy weight.
  • dfig619
    My goal is to look and feel good. I really judge myself through a mirror.

    When the clothes start fitting better and the pants size gets smaller yeah thats when I know im getting to where i want to be.

    I guess if i had to put a number on it i would like to get to about 175 with some nice tone muscles.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    (5"8) 182lbs currently I want to get to 160lbs but depending on how that looks I might go to 150lbs.

    I just want to boost my self esteem and feel comfortable in a room of fit/average weighted people
  • letlethugo
    letlethugo Posts: 43 Member
    5'2 and weighs 172.5lbs now. my goal is 160lbs by december. although this is not the ideal weight but i just wanted to take it slowly.

    i jog / walk 3x a day. watch my diet, 1200cal in a day.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    5'11.5", currently 223lbs and 26.2% body fat. Don't really care what overall weight is when I finish, but want to get body fat % to 18%. I say I don't care about body weight as play rugby and am doing quite a lot of strength training so want to build muscle. Current mfp calorie goal is 1770 per day but some days drop a lot lower, say 800, depending if gone over previous day etc, but usually aim for approx 1500, and don't eat back calories.

    Want to feel fit and good about myself, and discover what self esteem and confidence feels like.
  • dorilou1969
    my goal is to lose these last 15 pounds, get fresh blood work from my dr. and have her tell me I am no longer borderline diabetic.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal is 130 pounds.
  • deepti1281
    deepti1281 Posts: 2 Member
    i'm 5'3 and am 146 pounds! goal is to be around 125 pounds and fit...have an office job so kinda sedentary life..but do around an hour of yoga every day....hope to get to the ideal in 4-6 months..sounds feasible?
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I'm 167 cm (5'5) and my goal is around 52 kg. (115 lbs). Still not sure if it's even possible to reach, since the only time in my life I'd ever been there is before losing my thyroid, but it sure looked damn good on me...
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    181cm (or 5' 11.5" if you're that way inclined), 79.1kg (174lb or 12st 6lb if you prefer). 18% ish BF.

    Would be nice to hit under 10% BF as a goal. Weight goal is 70kg / 11st (154lb), but that's all a bit picking out random numbers. My only real goal is to see myself in the mirror with no shirt on and know that I've done it. I'll know when I look and feel as good as I want to. What the scale happens to say when I reach that stage is less of a concern.
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5'11 and my goal was a healthy BMI - I reached that about a month or so ago. Now it's to get down some more so to really "cement it in". My initial weight-loss goal was to get down to 172 lbs (from 200 lbs) and now that I'm "here" and all's well, my next goal is to get down to 158 lbs.

    My daily calorie goal is 1990 a day and I eat back all of my exercise calories. The only exercise I do is walking - I try to do a mile and a half every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and if I can fit it in, another 6 miles over the weekend (taking a stroll with the dogs :smile: ).

    I'll set my new goal of 158 lbs after I come back from holiday at the end of November. For now, it's just a "slow and steady" and see how she goes with my current weight and then I'll see how I want to do the rest later...
  • tamitka
    Hah if i see some posts I think I dot have high expectaitons anymore:). I am 32 years old and 173 high, I was 83kg and with my fintesspal I have lost already more then 10 kg. I must say I would like to lose 3kg more but not now. I alrady had to change the whole closet so it is not handy. Besides if you lose too much someparts of your body become flat and not neccessary the once which you want:)
  • Diamond_angel20
    5'4 , want to be 127 currently 140 :)
  • r0se125
    r0se125 Posts: 228 Member
    I am 5'5 and my goal is to loose about 15-20 more pounds to be 130-135 and go from there. May eventually try for 125. But at 133 before my son I looked good. So we will see what happens after these last stubborn pounds come off.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I'm 4'11 and currently 195. I'm aiming for around 140, but I'm not sure.. I'll know when I get there :smile:
  • sugarxmexsweet
    I want to be 140lbs or when I like what's in the mirror
  • Faericn_Rising
    5'4, 269, aiming for 170, 30 lbs in. but, i am really enjoying exercise and being so active, as well as proper nutrition. so, if i pass it naturally, im not going to cry. I am making great progress. I have aspirations to run, and if that takes me into the lower end of Onederland, so be it. But i want 170.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    5' 6'' and my goal is 150 lb or 145 lb depending on how much of my boobs I lose...haha.

    Honestly I care more about clothes sizes. If I get down to a size 10 UK (size 6 US I think) I will be super happy.
  • Jacquis59
    I look at two different ways depending on my mood on any given day. Sometimes the goal is to get back into my size 6 jeans, whatever that weight ends up being. On the other hand, I am slightly obsessed with weighing myself daily (bad habit from the anorexic days) and my number goal is 135 lbs. I'm 5'6"