Ladies around 5'4'' losing about 20 lbs

danae16 Posts: 62 Member

I am about 5'4'' and I weigh around 150 lbs. I want to lose about 20 lbs and would like to hear from ladies with a similar story. How did you do it? Would you be ok with sharing pics of your results? I'm struggling and would like some inspiration. :happy:



  • Jhensley2011
    Jhensley2011 Posts: 54 Member
    Set a goal, not just a timeframe. I signed up for a marathon ( a little extreme I know, you don't have to go that far though). I wasn't active when I started to train for it. Just needed something that would hold me accountable and a goal I could actually achieve. Plus, the bragging rights!!! lol I focused less on the weight loss itself and more on the actual training. The weight loss happened anyway! You could go a different route and for every pound you lose, set $1 aside. When you lose your desired weight, take that money and buy yourself something ( a new shirt, an evening out on the town etc). Lots of different ways to focus more on being active and less on the number of the scale. Hope this helps! Good luck :-)
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I set a goal and stuck to the plan. I set 5 pound goals and it worked for me.....My ultimate goal was to get to pre pregnancy weight.. my daughter is 31 now .. I had gotten a few pounds over the 9 month pregnancy weight. .So the pre pregnancy weight goal worked for me!!
    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    Ooh ooh That's me!!! I'm 31, 5'4", and need to lose 15-20 lbs. Friend me for support if you'd like! I am also wondering how people are going about it. I'm on Nutrisystem and have lost 3.2 lbs so far, and I'm on week 5. Good luck!
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    *raises hand*


    currently 138

    end result- don't really care. whenever i'm happy (no goal weight)

    my plan- eating healthy. sometimes i eat 1200. sometimes i eat 2300. so yeah. i may not be the BEST one to rely on. hahaha. i'm just being realistic and living life....hello!! its CHRISTMAS SEASON!! nomnom
  • ashmorgstraws
    I'm just a little over 5'4 (I say I'm 5'5", but barely), and I lost 22 lbs so far . . . .but I need to lose another 40-60 lbs to be where I want to be.
    You can see my profile picture --- that's twenty two lbs down. :)
    I exercised, ate smaller portions, of course counted calories, and well, exercised. :p That's really the key elements.
  • ahemming1
    ahemming1 Posts: 93 Member
    My weight/height is similar and I am looking to lose 20-25 more. Now, I just posted that today is not a good one. I purchased Halloween candy this morning and can't keep my hands out of it.

    My motivation will be my CrossFit Clean Eating competition. It starts Saturday and I am with a group! You can't let the group down, so the pressure will be on! I wish they would do this every month.

    You're welcome to friend me.
    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    My strategy is: If I can't log it, I don't eat it. It works!!
  • vharding7
    vharding7 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm the same as you! 5'4" been stuck at about 153 for a couple months now. Started at around 190 after I had my son. I work out, but I just need to get my diet under control. I would really like to lose about 20 more pounds. I was 140 in high school, but my body has changed so much since then, I am curious as to what I would look like at that weight now! The ultimate goal is 130 though. Has anyone been able to do this? I just feel so stuck in a rut!
  • ginadia
    Hi Danae and all!

    I'm in a very similar situation - 5'4", 150 lbs (first weigh in at 152). I set my original goal for 138 lbs, which seems an odd number I suppose. My thinking when trying to pull a number out of the air was that it would be enough to go down a size in clothes! I went down a size several months ago due to a change in jobs where I'm out from behind the computer and moving more. It was enough of a change that I lost 10-12 lbs and went down a size. That happened without any change in my eating habits. My hope now is that by paying attention to what I'm eating and making healthier choices plus adding some exercise (gulp), I might lose enough to go down another size.

    I've joined a group here that starts in November doing Jilian Michaels 30 Day Shred over a period of 6 weeks. While I find food moderation relatively easy to take on, exercise is another story. I find getting started with exercise after years of being sedentary very daunting.

    Do you have a plan in place? Looking forward to reading the responses to your post and being inspired along with you!
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i'm 5'4 and my goal was to lose 18 lbs and i've lost 12 so far. its taken a long time (since feb) but i'm almost there! i eat 1200 net calories and do a lot of cardio.

    edit- starting weight was 138 goal weight is 120
  • owski17
    owski17 Posts: 52 Member
    I was around 160 and lost about 20 lbs so far. I have a pic on my profile. I lost the majority of it through eating right. I believe thats the biggest key to losing weight. I drank around 6-9 glasses of water everyday. Also tried to drink a cup of hot green tea every day also. My calorie range was around 1200. Had breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1-2 snacks. But I ate super clean everyday except for during the weekend I would eat normal food one day lol. Weight just fell right off, for a few months. Now ive been stuck lol
    wishing you the best of luck!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 5'4, and I'm on my way to losing 20 lbs. I started out at 140 and I have about seven left. I have a before picture in my profile and will post a photo after I am done losing.

    I did it by counting calories and exercise. It's the only way that works.
  • angelinabarnes
    I'm the same i've got 14lbs or so to go but,i seem to be losing my way a bit.... espically when people say "why u dieting" "don't be daft u look good the way u are".. tell that to the skinny jeans i can't get over my *kitten* x
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm only 5'2 but I also need to lose about 20 lbs and having a really hard time doing it. I just joined a challenge to lose by the end of the year and I set a goal of 15 lbs. Which honestly I'd be happy with 10! I'm working out and really active but I just can't seem to get a grip on my eating habits and being consistent. I can tell you that when I was younger I barely weighed 105 to 110. After I had my son and I was in my 30's I dropped weight and thought I could get back to that weight - I hit 128 and people were telling me I was too thin and they were right. At 128 I was wearing a size 5. When I dropped weight about 5 years ago - closer to mid-40's I was hitting about 138 to 140 and I was still wearing a size 5 and looked good. So - not sure what changes in your body to make that difference but now I know that if I could get back to 140 to 145 I would feel good and be able to wear the clothes I want. That's only about 20 pounds and seemed like it should be easy to do - but almost a year into this journey I'm still struggling to lose. I can't say I have plateued because I've never started losing in the first place!
  • tjungkunz
    I'm 5'3, currently around 138 (just put on a few lbs!) and looking to lose about 15. Not sure exactly b/c I have a lot of fat and want to add a lot of muscle, wherever that lands me is good! I want a good BF%, right under 20% sounds great to me, but I have a ways to go! I was doing well, but severly slacking the last few wks :( Food is my weakness, NO willpower here! Feel free to add me and I will support you on your journey :happy:
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I'm almost 5'5", about 150 and looking to lose around 20lbs, I was up at 162, lost 25 but gains half back. Gotta love stress, back on the bandwagon this weekend (moving to my own place!).
  • irishcanadianwoman
    I'm 5 ft 4 in in very thick socks. I'm also 56 years old, so dealing with a slowing metabolism. I have a very small frame with size 5.5 or 6 shoes and a 5 inch wrist.
    I joined MFP at about 136 pounds with a goal of 120. I'm currently at 125.5
    My advise is to use clothes as a measure, not the scale. Your relationship with gravity has little to do with how you look and feel. My weight loss is going very slowly, but my clothing is fitting better every week.
    Bottom line? Weigh/fat loss takes fewer calories in + more calories exercised off + (very importantly...) time
    Take care and good luck.
  • ashleyngill
    Me, me, me! I am 5'4 or 5'5 depending on who measures. I am currently at 161 lbs, down from 168 lbs about a month ago - woohoo! A few goals: 1) By Christmas, I want to be under 155. 2) By my son's 2nd birthday (in July), I will be under 145. and 3) By Christmas 2013 I will be under 140 lbs. This may come sooner (hopefully) but I am not going to go to any extremes. This is a slow and steady race to change my life.
  • danae16
    danae16 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    I do pretty well during the day but struggle with dinner and snacking around that time. :) I do need to track everything. I have a habit of taking a bite her and there and not counting it.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Hello! 5' 3.5" here, and I just hit my goal today!

    I started back in February with about 30 pounds to lose. I wanted to get to the weight I was when I got married, which was a good, healthy weight for me. In February (before I discovered MFP), I made a commitment to myself to do some sort of exercise every day. Whether it was walking to the grocery store (about a mile) or giving the house a deep-clean (with floor scrubbing -- ugh) or doing a few miles on the elliptical. That's every day. Like seven days a week. No matter what. Even if it was only 20 minutes.

    Then I found MFP in March and started logging. I log EVERYTHING. And I measure everything. And I weigh stuff. And I read food labels. And I check restaurant websites for nutritional information before I go out to eat whenever possible. And I plan ahead. Pretty much every day. BUT I also live my life. Sometimes there's a celebration or something going on and I know I'm going to go off plan. On those days I either log as best as I can, or I just don't log that day. Life happens and we need to enjoy it -- balance is the key. When I go off, I get right back on the next day. I maybe have one or two "wild" days every month or so. Sometimes, when I go way over on one day I'll cut back by a few hundred calories or so for the next few days to balance that out. Sometimes I just let it go.

    Another huge part of my early success was finding a group exercise class that I really enjoyed. Again, back in March, I discovered a step aerobics class that I could take 3-5 times a week. At first it was tough and I couldn't quite do the whole class, but the music was great and the steps were pretty easy to follow and the women in class were really supportive. Then I found another class I liked. Pretty soon I was doing 7 classes a week, plus walking the dogs nightly, plus walking to the store or whatever -- I was an exercise queen! Recently I've started working with a personal trainer (trying to build some more muscle and give myself a "butt lift") and found that I love weights -- who knew? I'm taking a break from the group classes for now, still loving moving to music, which I do with my iPod and whatever cardio machine strikes my fancy at the moment.

    While I was losing the weight, I ate back all of my exercise calories. Since we're so short, we only get 1200 and that's just not enough for me to enjoy my life. So I tried to exercise another 400-500 every day and add those to my total -- gave me the wiggle room I needed to snack and also to have an adult beverage or two every now and then. :drinker:

    I believe my diary is open, if you're interested. Or feel free to friend me.

    Good luck to you, and remember to HAVE FUN WITH THIS -- it's not a diet, it's your life. Make it interesting. Eat good stuff. Enjoy movement. You can do it!!
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