Tips and Tricks for going Cold Turkey on Diet Sodas??



  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    I quit drinking soda about 5 years ago. If you drink other things with caffeine like coffee or tea, then you don't have to worry about weaning yourself off of it. The cravings were horrible for about three weeks, but now I don't want soda at all. Seriously, I was given a Sprite instead of the water I ordered at a restaurant a few weeks ago. Old me would've been like, "yay, free soda!", but I called the waitress over to switch it over for water. It's actually funny because now I'm really sensitive to carbonated beverages. I simply cannot drink them without getting horrible stomach cramps. Now, if only I could get over french fries.. lol
  • sandkrain
    sandkrain Posts: 78 Member
    I did!
    I was a total addict - minimum two cans a day - NEVER missed a day (except during pregnancy).
    Then a friend said, what would happen if you just gave it up?? Try it for 30 days....
    And I did. I stopped drinking Diet soda that night and for the next 30 days. The first week was hard, but it got easier. Looked at my calendar and really focused on my commitment of the 30 days. It was a personal challenge - I REALLY wanted to proff this to myself; I reasoned, "If I can do this for 30 days, maybe I can really lose weight/stay on a diet/reach other goals"
    I did miss it, but I felt better, too. Drank lots of water/coffee/tea. Made a large pot of passion fruit (unsweetened) iced tea daily.
    Now - two months later, I do allow myself a diet soda if I really, really want it; but I am conscious not to make it a daily habbit.
    Feel proud of this accomplishment as I never thought I could do it!

    YOU can, too!!! Best wishes
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    I use to drink sprite. regular sprite every single day, sometimes 2 or 3 20 ounce bottles. sometimes only one bottle. 5 days a week i was like this. i basically quit over night. i bought a water cup to work with me. i drink 1 to 3 of them a day now.

    your talking to a guy who HATED the taste of water. i use to make ice tea all the time. if my fridge ever went a day without a pitcher of iced tea it was because i wasn't there.

    today there is always a pitcher of brita filtered water. i still hate the taste of tap water. and if i am going to drink water, it has to be VERY COLD. but i have switched and went to water almost exclusively. i still drink tea at restraunts.

    today i can tell you i had a sprite a week or two ago. it was the first one in months. it tasted as good as ever, but i know if i want to make myself a healthier person i cant go back to drinking that every day. i need to do this. i need to lose weight. i want to. and pop isn't in my plan. do i still enjoy it. absolutely. but its a reward or treat to myself. and i log it and stay under my calories for that day with it.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    I used to drink 5-7 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper a day. I quit cold Turkey. I drink water and Tea with sweetener(no sugar). After almost 2 mos. I had one and have drink a few since. Last week I drank about.....5-6 for the whole week and felt extremely bloated. Diet Soda=HIgh Sodium= Retain Water. The past few days I've "purged" with water. I've made more trips to the restroom than normal,but I feel better already. I first tried Crystal Light and will still drink on occasion, but the calories(10 per 16 oz.)did not seem worth it to me. For me, Cold Turkey is the only way to go.

    (I'm now thinking of leftover Fried Turkey sammiches)
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    Tell yourself that you don't need it and don't want it several times throughout the day! Actually say the words out loud. It's all in your head, convince yourself that you don't want them.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I went from diet to La Croix to nothing. Sometimes I use Arnold Palmer mix-ins if I'm bored of water. But that happens 1-2x a month.
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Without reading all of the posts: I used to drink about 3-4 20oz sodas a day and then go home and drink a few 12oz cans during the night... yep, it was horrible - but the only thing that kept me going at work! :grumble:

    To get off of the diet soda fix, I started drinking more tea... started with sweet (artificial sweetner) tea and worked my way down to unsweetened tea... then changed it to water. I have been drinking water ever since. On occassion I will have a diet coke when my wife and I go out to eat but will not buy any for the house until just recently. Now, I can barely finish an entire can. It wasn't an overnight fix... it was a lengthy process but now it is easier to say no to a diet soda...

    Good luck
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Might I suggest getting those 0 cal drink flavor crystals to add to water to combat the 'sugar' desire?
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    I am on day 37 of quitting diet coke cold turkey! AND I am a diet coke junkie! lol I'd been drinking 3 to 4 cans a day for years! I cut down to 1 can a day and increased my water intake. Went from just diet coke for my daily liquid intake to drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. And really? I found I was too full of water to really want a diet coke. Went for a couple of days without one. Then, when I did have a diet coke, it tasted funny. And it took me 3 hours to drink it. I haven't looked back. Now, will I ever have a diet coke again? Sure. I just don't NEED one now. And maybe I won't like the taste of the next one I try. I don't miss it. Just try to get a couple of days without one under your belt and go from there :smile:
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    Well, I am proud to say that I survived day one lol. I had one cup of coffee this morning with stevia and 15 cups of water throughout the day :)