Southern Ontario Canada

MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

My friend introduced myfitnesspal to me yesterday. I am 28 years old, and have lost 45 lbs in the last 2 years and managed to keep most of it off. I have recently started a new office job full time so I am not getting around as much as I used to and am doing a lot more sitting.
I have revamped my old workout routine as well ebcause of the full time job vs the part time hours. So I hope that this new routine will help. Also I have recently bought myself a pedometere to give myself a goal as to how much walking/running I should do a day.
You can check out my blog that is my personal one outside from myfitnesspa at
I really like the website so far and really enjoy seeing the calorie input/output.



  • BigdaddyJ
    BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
    Hello MJ!

    Nova-Scotia here!!

    1st of all gratz on the -45lbs! you look amazing!

    I joined MFP as a family thing with my wife and my sisters, i much more motivating than doing it alone in my corner!!

    I do Power 30 and taekwondo as exercise and I keep to 1600 calories a day for diet.

    I wanted to share a few little tips on office work that I picked up when I went from the field to an office job in the military.

    -If you drive, park as far as you can from the door. If you take the bus, get off one stop early.
    -trade the wheeled chair for a normal one, makes you ahve to get up more.
    -If possible, stand up when talking on the phone, you'll see yourself walking around without noticing it!
    -always have your sports bottle filled with water with you!

    Good luck with the new job!
    keep up the good work!!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Great ideas! I always have my water bottle (28oz bottle) right in front of me. The parking idea is a great one. I am always the frist at the office as I come from the gym, so I always park closest, tomorrow I will park further away though for sure. Also I really like the idea of walking while talking on the phone!
  • BigdaddyJ
    BigdaddyJ Posts: 357
    No problem!
    I noticed a forgot the chair sit-ups, that one I picked up when I started driving a truck lol.

    Everytime you think about it, you suck your belly in (does that make sence in english? lol) 10-15 times, it works your abs and is very easy to do!!

    feel free to add me, i got a lot of information from a weight wellness class I took a while ago, i try to post something everyonce in a while!!

  • Hi MJ I'm Kim also from Ontraio 45 lbs is great, especially that your keeping it off. I'm hopping to do the same. good luck to you!
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