Countdown to 2013 Challenge...Women ages 35-40

Countdown to 2013 Challenge…Women ages 35-40.
I was looking for a challenge to help me lose about 25lbs. Couldn’t find one I really liked so I decided to create one. Hope you’ll join me. I’m looking for 15 women, between 35-40 to do this with. I turn 40 December 21st, so I’d like to get most of this weight off by then. I had lost about 30lbs and was pretty happy with my weight then, but I got real sick again and was put on about 4 courses of steroids and gained back 20lbs. So I am looking for motivation and encouragement in a group. I haven’t been in a group challenge in a while, and I have NEVER started one, so you’ll have to be patient with me as well. But I will try my best to make this challenge motivational and supportive for all. Here are some of the details of the challenge:
1. Weekly weigh-in, Friday of every week.
2. Group will be divided into smaller teams of 3. I like this because then you will have at least 2 people that you can talk with and encourage each other, and hopefully have more meaningful dialogue. I was in a larger group before but found that it was hard to talk to everyone in the group because there were so many people. I like being able to talk with just a few people and really working together with them. So each member of the team should friend each other and discuss and support one another with their weight loss. But everyone is welcome to contribute to the entire group conversations.
3. Each of the 5 groups will appoint a team leader and decide on a team name. Team leader will report the weight of each team to me every Friday. Please do this by Saturday at least.
4. The team that has the highest team weight loss each week will pick a challenge for the entire group for the following week. Challenges can be things like: do 300 ab exercises a day, at least 4 days during the week; drink more water; add an extra day of exercise during the week; changes to your food intake; etc.
5. There will be weekly goals for calories burned.
6. Each week the team with the highest weight loss will also submit a recipe for everyone to try that week. The goal here is for everyone to hopefully try something new.
7. If there are any other ideas about things for the challenge, please let me know.
Again, I’d like to keep the group number to 15. I will check the link again tonight to see who wants to join the group, and will pick the first 15 to request to join. Then I will post a blog with information to start our challenge this Sunday, November 4th, 2012. Please message me your weigh-in from Friday by Saturday along with your weight-loss goal. Also, once picked for the group, if you are joining with a friend and would like to have them on your team, please let me know. Hopefully I will have the teams together by Saturday. I’d like to put people in teams where they have similar weight loss goals. Please email me at with any questions.