Is it worth it?



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If you not seeing results, I would also suggest that you revisit your program. Are you calculating food intake accurately? Are you weighing and measuring *everything*, including all ingredients in home-made recipes? Are you avoiding processed foods and including sufficient fiber? Are you doing quality exercise (a lot of workout DVDs are pretty mediocre, especially if you don't have the fitness level, coordination, or strength to really exert yourself during the movements? Are you doing ENOUGH exercise? If you are starting at a lower level of fitness, it can take a lot of exercise--sometimes a hour a day, 6-7 days a week; strength training is crucial.
  • kawade80
    Thanks everyone. I just need to know that this frustration now is going to benefit me in the end. I know that I will do my workout later. After my husband wakes up and can keep the kids so that I can do it without them flitting about me and throwing off my concretion. I know that I will feel better in the long run, and I need to show my girls how to live a healthy and active life so they will never be in the situation I am in right now.
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    It is definately worth it. My daughter is my biggest motivater. I have yo-yo'd for years and every time I start, I'm heavier than I was the last time. This time is it for me, no diet plans, not even weight watchers, I am changing my lifestyle. I see your goal is 89lbs. You can't get to 89 without getting to 3 first! That is how I look at it. Keep up the great work!