Need some more friends! And Motivation!

Hello All! I've been on my weight loss mission on and off most of my adult life. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. I'm looking to add some motivated and supportive people to my friends! My youngest child just turned two so I thought it was a great time to start losing weight again. I had gained 10lbs over the summer and lost that 10lbs almost right away. Since then I have yo-yo'd with the same 5lbs. I'm under my calorie goal everyday (maybe a little cheat here and there) and I joined a gym week before last. I'm working out 1-2hrs a day, mostly cardio on the eliptical and some strength for abs and legs but I need to lose all over inches!!! Any motivation or tips would be great! What do you do when you hit a plateau so early?


  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    Hello girl!
    I'm Isa. Congrat for your results. You can add me, I'm here everyday and very active with my friends!:wink:

    I've been in the same situation that you describes and I've seen a coach that explain me that I need to eat more good food to allow my body to burn more.

    He added me some good carbs at lunch, more protein and cereals at breakfast. I'm doing 1.5 hour of workout per day, 6 days a week too. No carbs on dinner at all.

    I'm eating like that 6 days a week and like I want the 7th day (but not ruined my week efforts lol). The first day I've lost 2 pounds! Maybe from water I don't know. I just started so you can follow how it's going for me as my diary is open to my friends.
    I think that it's the good plan for me and hope it will avoid me to hit a plateau again..
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Plateaus are always difficult and takes some experimenting to get past them. Feel free to add me if you would like, I'm always on here either on the phone or website. Good luck in your journey