Artificial sugars?

MadHatter Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Do things like Equal, Splenda, Sweet N Low and the like actually help you loose weight? I've heard from people who use them that they do, but someone else is telling me they just make it twice as worse for when you actually have sugar, because it trains your body to not react to sugars properly. Can someone please clear this up for me??


  • there is a lot of controversy over artificial sweeteners, so i have chosen to avoid them completely. in lieu of the artificial, but still avoiding typical white sugar, you can use things like agave syrup, maple syrup, honey and stevia. stevia is probably the best replacement as far as caloric intake is concerned, but the others are great too and have their own health benefits!!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I'm in the same boat. These sweeteners come with too much controversy for me, so I stay away from them as much as possible.
  • I'm with emydg. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners and sugar whenever I can. The artificial sweeteners are toxic. If you need something sweetened stick with Stevia, honey, sorghum syrup, or organic maple syrup. I just recently noticed my gum has artificial sugars so I'm on the hunt for a safe gum. Good luck.
  • SnakePlissken
    SnakePlissken Posts: 34 Member
    There is no controversy.
    Sugar is bad for you. Artificial sweeteners really suck.
    Don't believe me? Google Asparatame poisoning. Want MS?

    If you need a sweetener use a little Honey or Agave. Stevia seems to be a real possiblity.
  • dogmeat
    dogmeat Posts: 83
    Nothing is really without some level of safety controversy, be it aspartame or stevia (or potatoes).

    Aspartame is a common target of various urban legends spread through chain emails and dubious websites. Scientific studies on it haven't indicated any harmful effects so far.

    As with everything, moderation is the key.
  • SnakePlissken
    SnakePlissken Posts: 34 Member
    I don't agree with Dogmeat. For me, there's more than enough evidence that Asparatame shouldn't have been allowed on the market.
    When parent company Searle and CEO Donald Rumsfeld (yes that DR) reapplied the day after Reagan took office (after having once been rejected) the new FDA puppet approved it despite 3 of the six Dr's on staff objecting.

    Here's a timeline of a dubious as Dogmeat calls it website.....

    Just before Searle reapplied, they were bought by Agriculture monolith Monsanto. Anybody who knows about their genetically altered Roundup ready crops, seeds, and attempts to control the worlds production of food can judge for themselves.
    When something stinks, follow the money.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I second the agave, mostly for sugar substitute in recipes (I don't think I'd use it in my coffee or anything!) Only need a tiny's very sweet. So it goes a long way.
  • dogmeat
    dogmeat Posts: 83
    Well - corporate/political crap is different than scientific testing. There's no scientific evidence that would suggest that aspartame is harmful.

    Science can work independently anywhere in the world, free of US influence and corporate and political pressure.
  • sharibrat
    sharibrat Posts: 39 Member
    I am finally glad to have found some other people who feel the same way I do about artificial sweeteners. I avoid them for my family at all costs. I don't trust Splenda just yet either. And I have a really big beef with how they are 'sneaking' them into all kinds of need an extra 30 minutes at the the grocery store just to read all the labels. I have bought numerous things only to get them home and toss them because way down on the list was 'sucralose'.
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