burned out



  • justicekenny
    I'm currently in the middle of a 10 - 14 day "diet" rest .. eating calories at just or around maintenance. Cocentrating mostly on carbs ... everyday feeling better and better with my energy levels ... Ive been in a calorie defecit since june .. prob best decision Ive made so far ..
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    The main reason I've stuck with exercising regularly for 2 years is my personal trainer. I have a trainer who comes to my house once a week. If she didn't show up, there have been times when I would've thrown in the towel. I exercise 6 days/week but that one day with her keeps me on track. So, consider a trainer.

    Go to a new class (anything that sounds fun) with a friend.
    Do a 20 minute DVD (30 Day Shred). It'll be over before you have time to talk yourself out of it.
    Don't do any formal "exercise" but work on getting more steps in your day.
    Good luck!