Second Time Around...

Hi Everyone! I am starting on this MFP journey for the second time... I had great success when I joined almost exactly a year ago! I was very faithful to the program and logged my food EVERY day for about 7-8 months and lost over 30 lbs! I was almost to my goal weight, but then I went through a divorce, and then broke my foot, and everything just got too crazy and I just lost it. I gained almost all the weight back... But here I am ready to devote myself to losing weight again! I found being a part of the community and adding friends REALLY helped me stay motivated on track the first time I did this. So feel free to add me!!! Here's to being healthy during the holidays! I did it last year and I plan on doing it again last year! It IS possible! Good luck to everyone and I hope MFP can work for me again this time around. :)