Food Rewarding- - Bad Habit??

I have a habit of rewarding myself with food. This seems like a bad habit to have but it's one I can't seem to quit. Has anyone had any success stopping this habit or using it to their advantage? I would love some advice.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i do not, and will not ever reward myself with food but thats just me and how my mind works.. for me its "no rewards and you wont crave them"
  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    ... A bubble bath, a movie, a pedicure, a walk in a gorgeous park, a new cosmetic item, some scented body wash...there are hundreds of ways to reward/pamper yourself that do not involve food, and it's best to start changing that 'food is love' internal message RIGHT NOW.
  • Happycoach
    Happycoach Posts: 2 Member
    Yes...reward your successes. Insted of food do rewards such as getting your nails done or purchase a new artical fo clothing. This seems to help my mind reset itself. Good luck!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I assume you're rewarding yourself with some type of junk food because who rewards themselves with carrots?

    Eating healthy is avoiding junk food most of the time. Why would you eat healthy or lose some weight and then reward yourself with the type of food that is making you unhealthy or gain weight? Eating junk could also make you crave more junk. I know that happens to me.

    There are so many things better with which you can reward yourself: a new pair of shoes, manicure, nail polish, new sunglasses, a massage, a dvd, iTunes songs for working out, new jeans, etc.

    Maybe start rewarding yourself every OTHER time with food until you're ready to cut out the junk completely.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I personally see no problem rewarding yourself with food.

    Curious why people think it is a bad thing?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I personally see no problem rewarding yourself with food.

    Curious why people think it is a bad thing?

    It depends on your relationship with food. If you're rewarding yourself with trigger foods that are going to cause you to binge eat, then it's probably not a good idea. If you're just looking forward to enjoying a cheesecake or something, and you know it's not going to cause you to go overboard, then it's fine. Everyone has a different take on it. Some people have "issues" with food control, and some others don't.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    My advice? Make all foods equal on the playing field. That's what I have done. As long as it fits into my macros and calorie limit, it's a "neutral" food. A cookie is equal to broccoli is equal to cheese is equal to ice cream. Makes food way less tempting if I know I can have it any time I want. That's not to say I don't have special meals on special occasions, like my birthday or whatever. I just don't use it as a "reward" per say. I think people get into trouble with that mindset, and that's how I ballooned up to 250 pounds.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I love rewarding myself with food. I don't see it as a problem unless if you lack self control.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I do not think there is a problem with it, especially if its all related. For example, if you stayed under your calories all week, what is wrong with rewarding yourself with a candy bar.

    When I hit my goal weight I am going to reward myself with a 1lb box of See's Candies.

    ETA: @Prego above makes a good point re trigger food. It depends if you can portion control/moderate what you are rewarding yourself with.
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    I have to say, I sometimes do this too. However, I use it more like some people use a cheat day? For example, I have a friend's 21st coming up, so I'm mentally going "eat healthy, stick to it, no binges, no mess-ups - the day after the party, you can eat whatever you want!"

    To be honest, it actually works to my advantage because typically I reach the 'cheat' day, which I've been using as a reward and motivation device, but I'm not craving anything and have even been sick in the past from eating some chocolate or some cheat-worthy food after the week leading up to the event/or whatever it was I was clean eating for.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I personally see no problem rewarding yourself with food.

    Curious why people think it is a bad thing?

    It depends on your relationship with food. If you're rewarding yourself with trigger foods that are going to cause you to binge eat, then it's probably not a good idea. If you're just looking forward to enjoying a cheesecake or something, and you know it's not going to cause you to go overboard, then it's fine. Everyone has a different take on it. Some people have "issues" with food control, and some others don't.

    Okay that is a good explanation. Thank you!

    I usually reward myself with quality food. Something I know I will enjoy and don't normally budget in xD
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I personally see no problem rewarding yourself with food.

    Curious why people think it is a bad thing?

    It depends on your relationship with food. If you're rewarding yourself with trigger foods that are going to cause you to binge eat, then it's probably not a good idea. If you're just looking forward to enjoying a cheesecake or something, and you know it's not going to cause you to go overboard, then it's fine. Everyone has a different take on it. Some people have "issues" with food control, and some others don't.

    Okay that is a good explanation. Thank you!

    I usually reward myself with quality food. Something I know I will enjoy and don't normally budget in xD

  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    My advice? Make all foods equal on the playing field. That's what I have done. As long as it fits into my macros and calorie limit, it's a "neutral" food. A cookie is equal to broccoli is equal to cheese is equal to ice cream. Makes food way less tempting if I know I can have it any time I want. That's not to say I don't have special meals on special occasions, like my birthday or whatever. I just don't use it as a "reward" per say. I think people get into trouble with that mindset, and that's how I ballooned up to 250 pounds.

    I have a similar mindset, if the calories are are available in my daily allotment and I want to eat something I do. However, more often then not I eat something that's better for me all around...
  • heidimaggott78
    I keep reminding myself "don't reward yourself with food -you are not a dog"
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    A reward is a reward, whether it is food or not. Use your imagination, but if there is something special and it will be centered around food, reward yourself with something special there. Food can be a reward/treat but know your limitations.

    NOW, for those "quote followers" who pick up every little thing someone ELSE says and make it theirs BEFORE REALLY examining the meaning.."those use that Dog reward with food thing"...those people are cynical and trying to DEGRADE Others who do not adopt their perspective, LIMITED as it is. What do you say to a "Shop-Aholic" or Alcoholic or Addicted Gambler...Reward yourself with a shopping trip to the Mall or A night out at the Bar or A vacation to Vegas. What do you say to someone who is not overweight and may eat chocolate cake once a month, "No, don't call eating that cake a treat/reward, are you a dog?" ALL these people are doing is trying to SHAME people for eating food and making it a Priority. HECK YEA food is a priority, just listen to the HEALTH Conscious talk! STOP trying to degrade people by trying to control how they talk or what they say...just like those who like to put down others because they use the word "Diet" instead of "Lifestyle Change".

    I reward/treat Myself with food many times and I am NOT a Dog; and I reward My Dog with a sweater or car ride sometimes and he is NOT Human.

    ETA: Read where someone said that they make all food equal on the playing field. My response is LMAO...if you make Chocolate cake or Ice Cream or Potato Chips...EQUAL with Broccoli or Kale or Oatmeal, you WILL be OBESE! Obesity happens when you make all food EQUAL...yea, have that piece of cake for lunch instead of a Chicken Cobb Salad....and so on. I was Obese, and food was EQUAL for Me, and I used all of the wrong foods DAILY and as a comfort...I THOUGHT they were all EQUAL! NO, Foods are NOT EQUAL, that's why one should eat certain DAILY and OTHERS maybe 2/3/4 times a year on special occasions as a treat!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    ... A bubble bath, a movie, a pedicure, a walk in a gorgeous park, a new cosmetic item, some scented body wash...there are hundreds of ways to reward/pamper yourself that do not involve food, and it's best to start changing that 'food is love' internal message RIGHT NOW.

  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Hell no. It's all lies. I reward myself with food like 10 times a day every day. Bahahaha
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    A splurge with food here and there is acceptable. A reward of food is not. For me, my rewards are new clothes, massages, manicures, day trips etc... You have to break away from food being your reason to succeed.
  • QuietLegs
    Hmm. If I reward myself, it tends to be really big. I don't reward myself for small achievements - small achievements are reward enough.

    I recently rewarded my weight loss efforts with a new bike. It's expensive enough that I'm actually embarrassed to admit how much I spent on it >_>

    Re: Food rewards - I might treat myself to some decadent sweets, but only if I've allotted those calories. For example, on a long ride day, I might eat half a pint of ice cream.... just cuz I can. :3