Seeking professional advice

I was cycling home by the river in the dark after a long ride. Well I must have been panting open-mouthed. All I know is that an insect - or possibly a tiny nocturnal bird - was then in my mouth. In fourth gear on a long flat, my speed was such that neither of us had a chance to extricate ourselves from the sudden acquaintance, and the unfortunate thing likely ended up in my stomach.

After a bout of futile gagging, the thought occurred to me that the insect wasn't the only unfortunate one because I had now consumed an unplanned snack for which the MFP food database has been sadly lacking. It's true that I don't know precisely what sort of creature I swallowed. Larger than a fly, less oblong than a cockroach; full-bodied, more like a moth, perhaps, though the wings were more "glassy" (i.e. crunchy). Wing-span? Hard to say. The memory of there even being a wing-span is itself unsettling.

Hoping for comments on approximate nutritional values from a professional entomologist and/or micro-ornithologist with experience in South-East Asian breeds.


  • KristysLosing
    Wow...sounds like a rough night. Maybe guesstimate about 250 cals? That should give you a starting place. I hope it passes! :laugh:
  • lynnette26
    South-East asian? if you'r in asia then it's probably on the menu anyway
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    You might want to try an entomophagy site.
  • sarahmichelle876
    Lmao please tell me this is a joke
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    Hmm. Not a professional, but I'm not aware of any small nocturnal birds. However, the local bats average about 8g. Mostly protein, I'm sure.

    I would venture than any intake of calories would be balanced by the expenditure in coughing and retching.
    Happy Halloween!
  • sohkubo
    @klpleet2011: 250 kcal sounds like a lot. I mean it probably only had 2-3 thimble-fulls of "meat". Is the exo-skeleton mostly protein? I don't know. Since you say "guesstimate" I assume you're not a professional in this area but I thank you for your attempt.
  • hofosho1020
    I am dying of laughter. I hate when I eat unplanned bugs. Not that there have ever been planned bugs. Super gross. Sorry for your nasty accidental snack.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    lmfao.............I cant stop laughing.....not at you but definitely with you.....*wipes tear's outta eyes * okay. In Texas, USA we have big flying roaches...big-usually about an inch long with long wings and one hell of a crunch. If you were here, then thats prolly what it was and it would easily have 7-10 grams of protein and prolly 30-50 total calories. ....mmmmm, yummy!
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Probably no more than 125 calories.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Just count it as free extra protein that you burned out while trying to gag. Yummy, crunchy protein!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    keep the nonsense to the chit chat section
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    I think we need to petition MFP to add insects to the database, lol. Lots of cultures eat them anyway.
  • eandrsmom
    Wash it down with a beer, log it at 200 and call it a night.
  • sohkubo
    @TexasTroy and @rodneyderrick - thanks for the advice. This sounds about right to me too, so I have added "Random Insect" to the public food database with 80 calories and 10g of protein.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    keep the nonsense to the chit chat section

    Wow. Really?

    Where *did* i put that carrot...?
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    @klpleet2011: 250 kcal sounds like a lot. I mean it probably only had 2-3 thimble-fulls of "meat". Is the exo-skeleton mostly protein? I don't know. Since you say "guesstimate" I assume you're not a professional in this area but I thank you for your attempt.

    Assuming your serious about wanting to know the nutritional value.................. of something...............that you don't know what you sound pretty lame? What professional is going to tell you the nutrional value of something you don't know you consumed................"ah doc...............yeah I ate something, kinda small, kinda crunchy.........wingspan 3 inches many calories you think?"
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    @klpleet2011: 250 kcal sounds like a lot. I mean it probably only had 2-3 thimble-fulls of "meat". Is the exo-skeleton mostly protein? I don't know. Since you say "guesstimate" I assume you're not a professional in this area but I thank you for your attempt.

    Assuming your serious about wanting to know the nutritional value.................. of something...............that you don't know what you sound pretty lame? What professional is going to tell you the nutrional value of something you don't know you consumed................"ah doc...............yeah I ate something, kinda small, kinda crunchy.........wingspan 3 inches many calories you think?"

    typing........ like this........ is really....... annoying to read...... you know?
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    @klpleet2011: 250 kcal sounds like a lot. I mean it probably only had 2-3 thimble-fulls of "meat". Is the exo-skeleton mostly protein? I don't know. Since you say "guesstimate" I assume you're not a professional in this area but I thank you for your attempt.

    Assuming your serious about wanting to know the nutritional value.................. of something...............that you don't know what you sound pretty lame? What professional is going to tell you the nutrional value of something you don't know you consumed................"ah doc...............yeah I ate something, kinda small, kinda crunchy.........wingspan 3 inches many calories you think?"

    typing........ like this........ is really....... annoying to read...... you know?

    Why do unto others as you don't want done to you??? just annoyed me back!.............writing like me...........sorry............if you ever see my name in a thread.................skip it.................I do it every time.......unless it's less than a sentence I use............which is hardly ever, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......................sorry, lol.................oh, btw, don't worry your not the first complainer.................and I can't stop it................I'm working on my potty mouth first...............maybe this later.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Bazinga. lol. Twice.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    P.S. lol It seems this is not the first time it was in our database. :]