RE: I need renewed motivation

About six months ago I got very focused on documenting what I ate, adding cardio, and remaining focused on getting healthier. I lost about twenty-two pounds. I am thirty-seven years old and for the first time since before my ten year old was born. The problem? I am thirty-seven...and that means changes in my hormones and periods and blah blah blah. I went two months without a period, during which time I was sitting on go emotionally and physically--I felt like I might start at any moment. I do not lose during the PMDD phases, but show loss after my period is over. So during the two months, I got discouraged, in conjunction with eating more as I usually do in response to shifts in hormones. Long story short, I want to get back on track but am still not completely motivated. I have added walking lunges, squats, and leg lifts to my routine, am on the treadmill at least four times per week, and continue researching and learning more about health and fitness. Oh, and I quit smoking a month ago, which only solidifies my urgency to remain on task for fear I will gain a lot of weight not smoking. Any ideas on how I can get back to focused? At this point I have been really working to do the fitness portion regardless of the eating. And for the record I am not eating double what I should, but I am less careful and less concerned if I go over several days a week.