Healthy Snacks??

Alright y'all can anyone give me some pointers on what are some good healthy snacks to invest in when I go to the grocery store next time?

I am looking for something that will satisfy my hunger pains around the 3-4pm-ish time of day. I do love almonds so I know that's one but what about any of those 90 cal pack snacks or something that is already pre-packaged that I don't have to fuss over?

Any help would be super! Thank you so much and feel free to add me also. I am looking for more encouraging friends to help me on this amazing journey! :~)


  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    100 calorie packs of micro-wave popcorn are great
    Wheat thins and a cheese stick
  • Toya2xcel
    Toya2xcel Posts: 107 Member
    The 90 cal fiber one brownies are good!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I think those taste terrible.

    Look for Dannon Fit and Healthy Greek yogurt. I like the cherry. This has 80 cals, no fat, 12g of protein and only 8g of sugar. Do NOT buy Chobani greek yogurt with fruit. That stuff has almost as much sugar as a candy bar.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Carrot sticks
    Hard Boiled Egg
  • nikosneeko1
    nikosneeko1 Posts: 20 Member
    I LOVE laughing cow cheese, a wedge is only 35 calories, and they come in a lot of flavors...I'll eat a wedge with 5 whole wheat saltines or with celery or carrots....satisfys that craving for creamy cheesy yumminess! I also like the 100 calorie packs of cheez-it's, or sugar free jello with sugar free cool whip (10 calories for jello and 15 for 2 tbsp of cool whip)...a great after dinner snack that kills your sweet tooth without ruining your day!
  • Blue Diamond sells prepackaged 100 calorie packs of cacao roasted almonds.
  • Thank you guys sooooo much for all this!! I cannot wait to go to the store now to find all this good ol yumminess!!! :~D
  • chickenz
    chickenz Posts: 101 Member
    Wasabi peas