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  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I don't have any people IRL who are supporting me on this journey. That's why MFP has been such an iportant part of losing weight for me.
  • starspeckled
    starspeckled Posts: 313 Member
    "you may love your mother, but you dont need to like her." Very wise woman.

    ^^ agreed.
  • mcsnoogins
    mcsnoogins Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like your mother is a "feeder"
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    My husband likes to buy me sweet treats and food rewards and given free reign will buy them daily and weekly etc - one of the reasons we both gained weight. Last week he bought me some of my favourite bubble bath because he said he is not allowed to buy me food treats anymore.

    I am sure your mum just wants to treat you and some gentle re-education might help. Maybe tell her that since you have been losing weight you have really lost your taste for sweets. Drop a few hints of "non" food treats that you would like. Try to involve her e.g. tell her since you lost weight you want to update your make up / beauty routine and would see come with you to shop let her buy you a lipstick or whatever.

    Good luck and stay strong
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    When someone tries to sabbatoge me, I simply say, "no thank you, my doctor and I are on a mission to get my BP, glucose and cholestoral levels down and I'm sick and tired of taking pills." Trust me, it never fails. Keep up the great work and good luck!:bigsmile:

    good lord....her granny offers a treat and says, "you are doing so good" you deserve a treat and you say she is trying to sabotage her? that is just a sad way to think

    Granny may not be TRYING to sabatoge her, but that is, in fact, what she is doing...She may have the best of intentions, but her efforts are sabatoge.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Granny may not be TRYING to sabatoge her, but that is, in fact, what she is doing...She may have the best of intentions, but her efforts are sabatoge.

    Life's gonna throw situations where you are going to have to deal with this sort of thing. If anything, being routinely challenged in this way (in a tough, emotionally loaded situation) and passing means more than if you never laid eyes on a cream cake again.

    Sooner or later life will "sabotage" you: people lose jobs/homes/loved ones/get ill/get divorced/etc.... if you're not strong enough to say no politely to Granny (or even say yes and slyly ditch the goods later) then good luck when a real life challenge comes along!

    Suck it up, and be nice to Granny!
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    My family is the exact same way. All big eaters of salty foods and a dessert after EVERY meal is a MUST! But, if I am determined, I bring my own dessert that is made healthier (berries & greek yogurt, frozen grapes, something from my weight watchers cookbook)!

    That way, no one is offended you are not eating with them and they usually even want to try what you brought! Its a win-win: you are being healthy and encouraging others to be as well!