I just feel sad and mad at myself! :/ I need inspiration.



  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 896 Member
    For every woman who hates her maternity marks, there's another woman who would die to have them!

    It's SO hard to lose weight when you're negative. Try to keep motivated as much as possible. There are tons of tips and tricks, you just need to try some and figure out what works for you and you will get there. It's such a pain in the *kitten* to be tired and get up and try to get pumped up, believe me, I have a newborn so I'm feeling your pain! However, think of how many times you held yourself back and it just seemed too far in the future. I bet that's been going on for a long time. Think how far along you could be in that time instead. Don't let anymore time go by, you can do this!

    Well said, it is a badge of honor, I have a niece that would do anything to be able to have children!!]
  • yorkiemom0820
    yorkiemom0820 Posts: 71 Member
    The post I made was about the tiger strips! You will accomplish your goals, stay focused! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Keep in mind that stretch marks will fade. They can look so angry and permanent right after giving birth! The skin is an organ, and can shrink down in amazing ways, as well. My original goal weight was met when I lost 80 lbs., but when I got there, I wasn't impressed with what I saw. I was disappointed, but thought about it this way: what was I planning on doing when I got to my goal weight, quit dieting and exercising? No... so if not, then really, what's the big deal to lose a little more? If I would have told myself I was a failure for not looking the way I expected, I would have destroyed my progress. So, here I am on my way to a new goal. I have no idea what the number on the scale will be. I just know that right now, I want to lose more body fat and get more muscle. It helps me to think of myself as an old work horse, just slowly plodding along, getting the job done. Consistent. Stubborn. Reliable. I am a stay at home mom of 3 kids, so I understand the time issue. I use my own body as weight for strength training. This helped me so much. I was 150 lbs. in a size 9/10 jeans from Maurices, but doing the body weight stuff took me to a size 5/6 at the same weight. Just modified push ups, lunges, squats, planks, toe raises, etc. I don't need much time for those. Pop out 5-10 push ups here, 5-10 there. Lunge down the hallway instead of walk. I really have zero excuses to not work out.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Thank you everyone! So nearly 90 minutes of Zumba CORE (Wii) later I think I found my inspiration! I LOVE this game to pieces and I think I could play it every day. :] I'm not sure if it will help my muscles or not, but it sure made me nauseous. Haha. I loved it! xoxo

    @gbellsatx This is true! Thank you. I really love that. My new goal is to burn 1000 calories in one day with Zumba. I have burned 1200 in 2 hrs, but I haven't had that much of a workout in a long time now. Thank you!

    @christine1110 I just bought 2 snickers LOL I will have one too because I just worked my toosh off! :] Or just a half of one. I like junk food, but I enjoy exercise way more to be honest with you. Thank you for the reply and advice, I appreciate anything you say to help me. :]

    @michellemains I'd love to add you! Thank you for the offer. There is nothing better than knowing people care and want you to succeed. I wish you the best of luck.

    @yorkiemom0820 I love the picture too! Thanks for the comment, free bump for me lol!

    @1PoisonIvy I keep saying it isn't the marks, but the skin. I don't mind the marks, I say my tummy is on fire. Lol. I am worrie more about if they may cause me to not be able to tighten my skin. If I could tone and not have a huge amount of loose skin, but still be marked up, I would so take it. lol. Thank you for the reply!

    @theologynerd I seen you around and was going to (attempt to) add you maybe two days ago, so hello again to you. :] I'm not sure what exercises to do even though people tell me. I tend to forget as I've never seen or heard of them. lol. I'm not yet capable of a burpee, or that thing people do on their side, I think that is a plank? lol We'll see. I would like to do some crunches and sit ups or push ups. I'm not sure if crunches or sit ups strengthen muscles, but I did them previously, maybe 100-300 per night before sleep and I toned a lot. Thank you!