Subway - the KNIFE and other disgusting practices



  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    Honestly, Subway disgusts me in general.

    All that pre-sliced meat thats been sitting around in the open for hours... no thank you.

    I agree, Subway repulses me. I'd rather not eat than eat Subway.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    How do you uptight people live thru the day? By taking handfuls of anxiety pills, I guess. Trash hole? Do you think they are putting used diapers in there? They are pushing bread crumbs and spinach in there that hasn't been touched by human hands yet. And you want them to use a new knife on every sandwich? Really?

    I love how people think this is how fast food gets made. THIS IS HOW ALL FOOD GETS MADE. Even in your own homes. Do you think your mom used a fresh knife on your PB&J sandwich after she cut your brother's? Good luck at Thanksgiving.

    Can one of you alarmists please stop by your local ER and count how many people are there because of Subway, McDonalds or any other food place before you panic?

    First of all, "Mom" is not serving the general public; thus, she does not have to adhere to the same laws of quality standards for food prep set forth by the FDA. Secondly, a mom would know her own children's allergies. Not so with restaurants.

    Lastly, I used to work in an ER, and you'd be surprised at how many food allergy cases come in on a DAILY basis.

    Just wanted to comment in this as my son has a serious allergy. Although I would LOVE it if I felt I could trust any restaurant/fast food outlet to serve their food in a way that doesn't endanger him, basically over the last few years I've come to accept that they don't really care much about that, to be honest. Mostly we eat the food which I cook at home. When we do go out, we take a 'calculated risk' by taking him to certain places (with epipens on hand) after first checking their websites and have to trust that what we don't see in the kitchen doesn't contaminate otherwise safe foods. Other people's houses are often just as bad! Otherwise we'd have to live in a bubble :)

    To both of the last two comments:

    It's not the responsibility of the restaurant to make sure customers avoid allergens. It's your responsibility as a parent and an individual to speak up. All they can do is try to reasonably accommodate you.

    I agree. I said as much in my first post on this thread. Believe me, most parents with allergic children are VERRRRY diligent, but they also know that even with the best of care, it isn't always easy to keep on top of every single allergen. In Canada, for instance, we don't have strict labelling laws like they do in the USA, so sometimes, even the best of intentions on the part of parents, restaurants, and the allergic kids themselves go astray.

    Howwever, it isn't asking too much to hold a restaurant acountable for standards they MUST legally adhere to, and speak up about it if/when you witness infractions. i.e, the Subway knife..

    Where, exactly, is not wiping the knife illegal? I really want to know.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Seven pages later...


    Admit it.

    The song's stuck in your head now.

    And the thought of a crusty knife, plunging into a delicious sammich.
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Well, if you dont like that and those ppl are making your food right in front of you knowing full well you can see them, then I hate to tell you what the ppl in the kitchen at your favorite sit down restaurant are doing to your food and the things they make that food on, knowing full well that you CANT see what they are doing. Just a thought.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    How do you uptight people live thru the day? By taking handfuls of anxiety pills, I guess. Trash hole? Do you think they are putting used diapers in there? They are pushing bread crumbs and spinach in there that hasn't been touched by human hands yet. And you want them to use a new knife on every sandwich? Really?

    I love how people think this is how fast food gets made. THIS IS HOW ALL FOOD GETS MADE. Even in your own homes. Do you think your mom used a fresh knife on your PB&J sandwich after she cut your brother's? Good luck at Thanksgiving.

    Can one of you alarmists please stop by your local ER and count how many people are there because of Subway, McDonalds or any other food place before you panic?

    First of all, "Mom" is not serving the general public; thus, she does not have to adhere to the same laws of quality standards for food prep set forth by the FDA. Secondly, a mom would know her own children's allergies. Not so with restaurants.

    Lastly, I used to work in an ER, and you'd be surprised at how many food allergy cases come in on a DAILY basis.

    Just wanted to comment in this as my son has a serious allergy. Although I would LOVE it if I felt I could trust any restaurant/fast food outlet to serve their food in a way that doesn't endanger him, basically over the last few years I've come to accept that they don't really care much about that, to be honest. Mostly we eat the food which I cook at home. When we do go out, we take a 'calculated risk' by taking him to certain places (with epipens on hand) after first checking their websites and have to trust that what we don't see in the kitchen doesn't contaminate otherwise safe foods. Other people's houses are often just as bad! Otherwise we'd have to live in a bubble :)

    To both of the last two comments:

    It's not the responsibility of the restaurant to make sure customers avoid allergens. It's your responsibility as a parent and an individual to speak up. All they can do is try to reasonably accommodate you.

    I agree. I said as much in my first post on this thread. Believe me, most parents with allergic children are VERRRRY diligent, but they also know that even with the best of care, it isn't always easy to keep on top of every single allergen. In Canada, for instance, we don't have strict labelling laws like they do in the USA, so sometimes, even the best of intentions on the part of parents, restaurants, and the allergic kids themselves go astray.

    Howwever, it isn't asking too much to hold a restaurant acountable for standards they MUST legally adhere to, and speak up about it if/when you witness infractions. i.e, the Subway knife..

    Where, exactly, is not wiping the knife illegal? I really want to know.

    Chapter 4, Section 1 of the Fast Food Prep Code: "Cooties, Ick, and Other Unpleasant Issues"
  • Wow you people sure are picky about fast food. First of all I work at subway and if you don't like the food don't eat it. period. Also if people have allergies or just don't want mayo or whatever on ur sandwhich you can ask them to use a new knife. I have people request it all the time and I have NO problem doing so. And the glove issue? come on that's standard practice if gloves bother you again don't eat there. I know for myself I am constantly washing my hands, wiping the knife on the deli papers - not the "dirty" boards that get cleaned every day and get touched by nothing but other foods....? and I don't pick my nose and wipe it on my apron- gross! If you're having other people prepare your food then that's the risk you take!!! And also I think we might need to chill people do you have any idea what the factories where your foods are packaged and processed look like? here's a tip, start a garden and don't eat out in public because these "concerns" will follow you wherever you go.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    ILOVE transmissible dioxylethers !!!!
  • Every Subway I've gone to, they wipe the knife with a napkin and use the sheet of wax paper that they make the sub on to put things into the trash.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    How do you uptight people live thru the day? By taking handfuls of anxiety pills, I guess. Trash hole? Do you think they are putting used diapers in there? They are pushing bread crumbs and spinach in there that hasn't been touched by human hands yet. And you want them to use a new knife on every sandwich? Really?

    I love how people think this is how fast food gets made. THIS IS HOW ALL FOOD GETS MADE. Even in your own homes. Do you think your mom used a fresh knife on your PB&J sandwich after she cut your brother's? Good luck at Thanksgiving.

    Can one of you alarmists please stop by your local ER and count how many people are there because of Subway, McDonalds or any other food place before you panic?

    First of all, "Mom" is not serving the general public; thus, she does not have to adhere to the same laws of quality standards for food prep set forth by the FDA. Secondly, a mom would know her own children's allergies. Not so with restaurants.

    Lastly, I used to work in an ER, and you'd be surprised at how many food allergy cases come in on a DAILY basis.

    Just wanted to comment in this as my son has a serious allergy. Although I would LOVE it if I felt I could trust any restaurant/fast food outlet to serve their food in a way that doesn't endanger him, basically over the last few years I've come to accept that they don't really care much about that, to be honest. Mostly we eat the food which I cook at home. When we do go out, we take a 'calculated risk' by taking him to certain places (with epipens on hand) after first checking their websites and have to trust that what we don't see in the kitchen doesn't contaminate otherwise safe foods. Other people's houses are often just as bad! Otherwise we'd have to live in a bubble :)

    To both of the last two comments:

    It's not the responsibility of the restaurant to make sure customers avoid allergens. It's your responsibility as a parent and an individual to speak up. All they can do is try to reasonably accommodate you.

    I agree. I said as much in my first post on this thread. Believe me, most parents with allergic children are VERRRRY diligent, but they also know that even with the best of care, it isn't always easy to keep on top of every single allergen. In Canada, for instance, we don't have strict labelling laws like they do in the USA, so sometimes, even the best of intentions on the part of parents, restaurants, and the allergic kids themselves go astray.

    Howwever, it isn't asking too much to hold a restaurant acountable for standards they MUST legally adhere to, and speak up about it if/when you witness infractions. i.e, the Subway knife..

    Where, exactly, is not wiping the knife illegal? I really want to know.

    Chapter 4, Section 1 of the Fast Food Prep Code: "Cooties, Ick, and Other Unpleasant Issues"

    WHAT?! Damn Obamacare....
  • mommy2ans
    mommy2ans Posts: 93 Member
    I love subway and it doesn't bother me. Those surfaces are clean, and they clean the knife after each sub...or atleast the ones where i live do...But like you said i'm sure the practices at other places where you can't see them make the food are much worse.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    ILOVE transmissible dioxylethers !!!!

    Wow. Oh well, can't save em all. It's your funeral.
  • I have been gluten free for 1 year now and I LOVED Subway before. Now you can get salads there and let them know NO wheat etc., use clean knife, change gloves, etc... BUT! One day I was going to order one I watched in horror as they cut the sandwich order in front of mine and watched the crumbs slide down that sandwich paper slide right into the lunch meats & veggies that would've gone into a salald!! That would upset any celiac tummy horribly and I no longer order a salad there. I even took pics of it in progress. O.o

    Also this and I'm sure it's just me but I'm very conscious of cross-contamination BECAUSE of allergies and try not to let any crumbs cheese or rogue veggies get where they're not supposed to be, but honestly it's inevitable with the way the line is set up (which ensures speedy sandwich making!) Sooooo if you have a serious allergy then that's you're duty to watch for things like that. But some people just like to *****. and no offense but my sister has celiac and I don't think a bread crumb would hurt her.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    The song's stuck in your head now.

    And the thought of a crusty knife, plunging into a delicious sammich.

    Nope. I've never heard it so it can't get stuck in my head. :D
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member

    The song's stuck in your head now.

    And the thought of a crusty knife, plunging into a delicious sammich.

    Nope. I've never heard it so it can't get stuck in my head. :D

    Now that's just not right.
  • suumoner
    suumoner Posts: 17 Member
    everyone that I've been in uses the bottles also.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't know if anyone has suggested this idea... but if you're this worked up over knife use at Subway, it may benefit you to prepare your own foodstuffs at home.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Generally speaking, if you're overly concerned about sanitation I wouldn't suggest fast food.


    I remember what put me off McD's for good.... Saw a "20/20" special about this very topic. In one segment, they tested the ice machine for fecal matter at the end of each day.. Disturbing how high the count was. Employees aren't always the greatest at washing hands after using the washroom. Ewwww.
    :sick: Oh man. I seriously think this thread might have sent me off fast food for good.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I don't know if anyone has suggested this idea... but if you're this worked up over knife use at Subway, it may benefit you to prepare your own foodstuffs at home.

    Or you could bring your own knife to Subway and ask them to use it to cut your sangwidge.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    The song's stuck in your head now.

    And the thought of a crusty knife, plunging into a delicious sammich.

    Nope. I've never heard it so it can't get stuck in my head. :D

    Now that's just not right.

    We only know Queen and Journey around here...
  • As a vegetarian, I thought I was the only one who was totally grossed out by the knife. And they seem to have different color knives. Can't they just color code the green one for veggies only? I only get 6 inch to avoid the gross dragging the goop cut. And tuna before you in line is the grossest.

    I have asked them to rinse the knife off and they complied but looked at me like I was crazy.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I don't know if anyone has suggested this idea... but if you're this worked up over knife use at Subway, it may benefit you to prepare your own foodstuffs at home.

    Or you could bring your own knife to Subway and ask them to use it to cut your sangwidge.

    I bet there are some kind of health department rules against using random stranger's knives. Just like how Wendy's won't refill your soda with your straw and lid present...

    Also, high fives for Mephistopheles in your ticker!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Howwever, it isn't asking too much to hold a restaurant acountable for standards they MUST legally adhere to, and speak up about it if/when you witness infractions. i.e, the Subway knife..

    Where, exactly, is not wiping the knife illegal? I really want to know.

    Here you go...(the section between the smiley faces speaks to the issue of cross-contamination and Subway knives):

    From FDA's website:

    IX. Retail and Foodservice
    Specific procedures for storing and displaying food, for excluding or restricting ill employees, for washing hands, date-marking, and for washing and sanitizing equipment can be found in the FDA Food Code15. The FDA Food Code is a model code developed by FDA to assist and promote consistent implementation of national food safety regulatory policy among the local, State, and tribal governmental agencies that have primary responsibility for the regulation or oversight of retail level food operations. Further considerations for leafy greens are found below. In addition, handlers of leafy greens should be aware of and follow all Federal, State, and local requirements. Leafy greens may be handled extensively at retail or in food service operations; therefore, it is of particular importance to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before cutting or handling leafy greens and to rewash hands as necessary.

    A. Retail and Foodservice Handling
    Leafy greens may be contaminated by numerous means in the field-to-fork supply chain. Important considerations at the retail and foodservice level include excluding or restricting ill food workers, ensuring appropriate employee hygiene/handling, using water of adequate quality, and preventing cross-contamination.

    FDA recommends:

    Considering not using leafy greens with visible signs of decay or damage, due to the increased risk of the presence of human pathogens. Decayed or damaged leafy greens and lesions caused by plant pathogens may act as harborage for human pathogens (Ref. 24 ). When in doubt about the use of decayed or distressed product, either removing the unusable portions or not using the leafy greens.
    Utilizing information in the FDA 2005 Food Code Section 3-302.15 (available in PDF16), which specifies: "Raw fruits and vegetables shall be thoroughly washed in water to remove soil and other contaminants before being cut, combined with other ingredients, cooked, served, or offered for human consumption in ready-to-eat form." Not rewashing packaged produce labeled "ready-to-eat," "washed" or "triple washed."
    Ensuring water used to wash leafy greens is of appropriate microbial quality for its intended use.
    Rewashing, after cutting, the leafy greens in a clean and sanitized sink or container. Immersing and agitating the cut leafy greens, then removing from water while avoiding contact with any dirt or debris that may settle out. Repeating the cleaning process as needed with a clean and sanitized basin, sink, or bowl and fresh water.

    :smile: Cleaning and sanitizing all food-contact equipment and utensils that contact cut leafy greens (e.g., cutting boards and knives) with the following steps: washing thoroughly with hot soapy water, rinsing, sanitizing, and air-drying.
    Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before cutting or handling leafy greens and rewashing hands as necessary. :smile:

    Using a barrier such as gloves and/or an appropriate utensil changed with sufficient frequency to prevent cross-contamination to touch fresh-cut leafy greens. Note: This does not alleviate the need for proper hand-washing.
    Storing and displaying fresh-cut leafy greens under refrigeration throughout distribution to enhance the safety and quality of the product.
    Storing and displaying fresh-cut leafy greens under refrigeration to minimize bacterial growth and delay deterioration of the product.
    Establishing a policy for fresh-cut leafy greens prepared at retail/foodservice for how long the refrigerated product can be displayed and offered for sale. Marking the product, with "prepared on" or "best if used by" date.
    Following manufacturer instructions for the product such as "keep refrigerated" or "best if used by."
    Developing training programs that will educate all potential handlers of leafy greens in retail and food establishments regarding the importance of food safety and the recommendations in this guidance.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    I have asked them to rinse the knife off and they complied but looked at me like I was crazy.

    I no longer eat at Subway, because one morning I decided to try an egg sandwich. The guy proceeded to squeeze about 2 tablespoons of oil into the pan. When I spoke up and said "Oh, no oil please," he said, "I have to put oil in it or else it will stick to the pan." Ok, how is THAT healthy?! You'd think Subway could afford non-stick pans.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I don't know if anyone has suggested this idea... but if you're this worked up over knife use at Subway, it may benefit you to prepare your own foodstuffs at home.

    Or you could bring your own knife to Subway and ask them to use it to cut your sangwidge.

    I bet there are some kind of health department rules against using random stranger's knives. Just like how Wendy's won't refill your soda with your straw and lid present...
    Damn the man.
    Also, high fives for Mephistopheles in your ticker!
    It was my favorite until I had an Uncle Jacob's last weekend.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    At the end of the line - when they have all the glop on your sandwich (note here - I despise mayonnaise and most dressings) they need to fold the sandwich up so they reach for - the KNIFE. The knife that is dripping with mayo and other dressings from the last 50 sandwiches they've made that day. They lay it on your sandwich to hold the toppings in place, fold over the top, and extract the knife such that those remnants get scraped onto your pristine, veggie patty, pepperjack on wheat sub with everything but cucumbers and carrots and a touch of red salsa sub.

    The other thing that disgusts me - the server standing there, waiting for the next sandwich on the assembly line. They are wearing those plastic gloves - for our protection I presume - and they proceed to wipe the counter and push leftover stuff into the trash hole using just the glove, then turn to you and ask what you'd like on your sandwich.

    I'm sure much worse happens behind the scenes at a McDonalds, Hardees, etc. but it's 1) not where you can see it, and 2) I don't eat at those meat-factories.

    What is more disgusting, the Knife or a " veggie patty, pepperjack on wheat sub with everything but cucumbers and carrots and a touch of red salsa sub"?

    My thoughts, your words.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    You think that's bad, just think of what the gross teenagers are doing behind the scene at any fast food joint. Blech!! This is why I make my own subs at home if I am really craving a sub.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You think that's bad, just think of what the gross teenagers are doing behind the scene at any fast food joint. Blech!! This is why I make my own subs at home if I am really craving a sub.

    Because everyone who works in fast food is a gross teenager.
  • Ugh. This is why I just cook my own stuff. I can't trust restaurants I have to know exactly what goes inside my body. Plus I am a fantastic
  • MantisToboggan_MD
    MantisToboggan_MD Posts: 30 Member
    Friends don't let friends eat at Subway.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Howwever, it isn't asking too much to hold a restaurant acountable for standards they MUST legally adhere to, and speak up about it if/when you witness infractions. i.e, the Subway knife..

    Where, exactly, is not wiping the knife illegal? I really want to know.

    Here you go...(the section between the smiley faces speaks to the issue of cross-contamination and Subway knives):

    From FDA's website:

    IX. Retail and Foodservice
    Specific procedures for storing and displaying food, for excluding or restricting ill employees, for washing hands, date-marking, and for washing and sanitizing equipment can be found in the FDA Food Code15. The FDA Food Code is a model code developed by FDA to assist and promote consistent implementation of national food safety regulatory policy among the local, State, and tribal governmental agencies that have primary responsibility for the regulation or oversight of retail level food operations. Further considerations for leafy greens are found below. In addition, handlers of leafy greens should be aware of and follow all Federal, State, and local requirements. Leafy greens may be handled extensively at retail or in food service operations; therefore, it is of particular importance to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before cutting or handling leafy greens and to rewash hands as necessary.

    A. Retail and Foodservice Handling
    Leafy greens may be contaminated by numerous means in the field-to-fork supply chain. Important considerations at the retail and foodservice level include excluding or restricting ill food workers, ensuring appropriate employee hygiene/handling, using water of adequate quality, and preventing cross-contamination.

    FDA recommends:

    Considering not using leafy greens with visible signs of decay or damage, due to the increased risk of the presence of human pathogens. Decayed or damaged leafy greens and lesions caused by plant pathogens may act as harborage for human pathogens (Ref. 24 ). When in doubt about the use of decayed or distressed product, either removing the unusable portions or not using the leafy greens.
    Utilizing information in the FDA 2005 Food Code Section 3-302.15 (available in PDF16), which specifies: "Raw fruits and vegetables shall be thoroughly washed in water to remove soil and other contaminants before being cut, combined with other ingredients, cooked, served, or offered for human consumption in ready-to-eat form." Not rewashing packaged produce labeled "ready-to-eat," "washed" or "triple washed."
    Ensuring water used to wash leafy greens is of appropriate microbial quality for its intended use.
    Rewashing, after cutting, the leafy greens in a clean and sanitized sink or container. Immersing and agitating the cut leafy greens, then removing from water while avoiding contact with any dirt or debris that may settle out. Repeating the cleaning process as needed with a clean and sanitized basin, sink, or bowl and fresh water.

    :smile: Cleaning and sanitizing all food-contact equipment and utensils that contact cut leafy greens (e.g., cutting boards and knives) with the following steps: washing thoroughly with hot soapy water, rinsing, sanitizing, and air-drying.
    Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before cutting or handling leafy greens and rewashing hands as necessary. :smile:

    Using a barrier such as gloves and/or an appropriate utensil changed with sufficient frequency to prevent cross-contamination to touch fresh-cut leafy greens. Note: This does not alleviate the need for proper hand-washing.
    Storing and displaying fresh-cut leafy greens under refrigeration throughout distribution to enhance the safety and quality of the product.
    Storing and displaying fresh-cut leafy greens under refrigeration to minimize bacterial growth and delay deterioration of the product.
    Establishing a policy for fresh-cut leafy greens prepared at retail/foodservice for how long the refrigerated product can be displayed and offered for sale. Marking the product, with "prepared on" or "best if used by" date.
    Following manufacturer instructions for the product such as "keep refrigerated" or "best if used by."
    Developing training programs that will educate all potential handlers of leafy greens in retail and food establishments regarding the importance of food safety and the recommendations in this guidance.

    Yeah, they wash and sanitize their dishes every day, not between every sandwich! And I'm going to preemptively argue the stuff about fresh-cut leafy greens doesn't apply anyway because their veggies arrive at the stores in a bag cut and cleaned already.