How to stop snacking...HELP!!!

I am a snacker... and a closet eater. I try not to let anyone see me eating all the junk (candy often) that I eat. How can I kick this horrible, frustrating habit? Any one with experience or ideas?


  • supercool111
    i used to do be the exact same way. All I can say is you need to be strict with yourself. Its all about willpower. It gets easier though. You just need the strength to beat the compulsion to eat.
  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    Once you start to loose the weight, it will give you motivation to stop snacking. Good Luck
  • Monica7669
    If you find that you need to snack then snack!! I bought snacks, but they are all under 100 calories. If you deprieve yourself then you will go on a binge when u do. Find some low calorie snacks and you can still stay within your daily calorie intake. Have the snacks at home and at work (the vending machine is the enemy) It is hard, but you can do it.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I stop snacking by chewing gum and having a water bottle with a bite valve.
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    I have some advice that sounds a little crabby, but its that you need to start treating yourself like your own child. Would you let your child eat more than 1 cookie? Or would you let you child eat unhealthy foods? Or eat too many snacks? Sometimes it feels like the only nice things we do for ourselves is give ourselves treats. I've been living like that for a long time and am surprised to realize how terrible I have been treating myself with all that junk! So, I think when we stop believing that the only thing we can do to be kind to ourselves is eat, then we'll all be slim, trim and healthy. You deserve to be cared for!
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I'm a closet eater, too...especially when I was at my heaviest weight. I hated going to parties or gatherings where there was food and having people see me eat. I always thought that they were thinking, "Wow, that fat girl eats a wonder!" I'd rarely get a plate and just snack here and there so nobody could see what I was eating or I'd get a small plate, eat a tiny bit, then eat something later (unhealthy foods and portions) when nobody else was looking. When I began to watch what I ate and did make plates I actually had people comment on my portion sizes or insult me if I did splurge and have a burger. It's ridiculous how insensitive people can actually be. I finally decided to think, "SCREW THEM!" I'm doing this for me and for nobody else so it's important that I be the one who pays attention to what I eat. Just because I eat it alone it doesn't mean the calories don't count. Try to plan snacks and meals ahead of time for the day. I always bring my breakfast, lunch, and snacks to work with me and eat them throughout the day. Snacking is good for you as it keeps your metabolism running evenly. Even just having 3 Triscuits now to satisfy the urge to snack and 3 more later is fine! I get bored and want to snack so I always try to keep healthy options around. If you're alone and want to eat something just for the sake of eating it and know that it is going to be too big of a portion or is going to put you over your calorie goal try drinking a glass of water and keeping yourself occupied for a bit to see if the desire passes. If it doesn't, and you still are craving it (but still have enough calories) go ahead and have some chips (for example) but put the correct portion on a plate, put them away, then sit down and eat them, focusing on how each tastes. We just have to learn to pay attention to why we're really eating sometimes and it can be hard. The longer you stick with it, the easier it will get.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    i can relate, it takes 21 days to get rid of bad habits or for them to get easier. Try munching on the largest salad you can make, and munch on that. Im having a bad day myself today, stressed and taking it out on sunchips, really craving junk, so Im about out of calories so for supper a large salad with chicken, lemon is going to be my dressing, oh well my fault. Going to exercise hard so i can fit in my evening snack or otherwise its going to be low sodium broth. We all have days like this, some worse then others, just need to keep busy. :ohwell:
  • flipebi
    Thank you all for the great suggestions. It is just nice to know I am not alone in this. I don't have a huge weight problem, but I used to work out all the time (I was even a fitness instructor in my "youth") and now I work out rarely -- much to my dismay. It used to be that my closet eating was not a problem because I was burning it all off, but now it is all just sticking waist, thighs and butt, that is! I am going to try to gum and water -- and I really like advice about how I would treat my children. Of course i don't let them snack like that, so why should I?!

    You all are wonderful. Thanks so much.
    -- Jen
    That's a great idea, the pre-packaged, 100 cal snacks are great!
  • Wendibee
    This might sound a little crazy, but put up a picture of yourself as you are now in your snack cabinet. Then if you have one of you at your ideal weight, put it right beside. Sometimes seeing is believing. And like everyone else has said, don't completely deprive yourself of all snacks. If you have a craving for an unhealthy snack, make yourself do something else (wash dishes, sweep the floor, etc.) for about 15-20 minutes. If you still really want it, have it. Just make sure they are portioned right. I take things that are in bulk (chips, etc.) and put the exact portion in baggies. That way it is pre-measured. Drink lots of water. I am not a good water drinker so I use crystal light. They have the little to go packs that you can take everywhere you go. They are amazing!