How to break plateau!!

jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone,

I'm sure there are lots of ppl out there who have already brought this up, I found a few posts already, but just thought i'd rant a little bit myself.
Does anyone know of a forsure way to break through your plateau??
My mom says she will eat tons for a whole day, and then go back to eating good for a few more days and that ususal helps her.
Me? Not so much, tried that, calorie shifting, doing ex. exercise, doing no exercise, eating healthy, eating a certain amount of calories, or mixing it up. Nothing seems to be working, and it's gotten me really frusterated.
Am I missing something?
or should I just be working out harder..
maybe i'm slacking a bit in that department. I guess I just find it hard to motivate myself, when I feel like i've been trying hard to break this plateau i've been on for 2 months now, and with it not working, i just want to give up all together.
thx for listening.. haha


  • Changing things up in the exercise department is a good way to start. If you're weight/strength training, which you should be, change the exercises up by trying new moves that you're not used to. It will challenge your body. Also, with cardio, instead of the steady 30 or 40 mins at the same pace, intervals are a great way to challenge your body and mind for that matter. If you're a runner, biker, or even just a machine junky... intervals are great for changing things up and for me, it always seems like the workout goes faster because you are working out at different levels. For example: Running:

    Warm-up - 3 to 5 mins
    Run for 1 minute
    Slow Jog for 1 minute
    Repeat this process 6-8 times to start and as you get better at it, you can add more Runs, or increase the length of the runs.

    The idea is to go at it as hard as you can or close to it for a full minute and take a short rest and repeat. This challenges your body and helps it to become more efficient w/ oxygen use and w/ flushing the acid build up in your muscles(the BURN). It's also known to burn more calories post workout as well. I'm sure you can find some exercises and interval plans online if you look. Hope this helps.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Please don't give up on yourself just because you are on a plateau. You will get there. I was on one for over 4 months and finally, poof, down the scale started to go. You have to remember the scale is not your friend. Make sure to take your measurements once a month and take note to how you feel in your clothes. Those are much better indicators.

    I am not really sure what you eat or your exercise routine, but changing up your workout routine will help. Try things you never thought you could do, you might surprise yourself. The key is to keep your body guessing. If you continue to do the same exercise at the same intensity level, your body will get use to it and quit working for you (figuratively speaking). Try interval training. Short bursts of high intensity followed with lower intensity. You need to get your heartrate up.

    I am sure you will get a lot more advice on this subject. Try not to get overwhelmed with everything. Take one step at a time and you will get where you want to be. I wish you the best of luck. :bigsmile:
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks alot~ I will try this, and NOT give up!!
    just hard sometimes... but no one ever said hard work was easy.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi guys,

    I officially hit my plateau, or at least I think I did/ have... I noticed that I was a little tired, and my caloric intake was usually just under the 1200+exercise calories... and it was getting easy to walk to school everyday...too easy...

    So, I decided to up my calories just a little so that I'm not left with a huge deficit at night that I have to eat when I'm not burning calories as well, and I'm starting Jillian Michael's 30 day shred on Monday...

    Hoping this will bump things and get me going again!
    : )
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I think we've all been there at some point or another. I spoke to a trainer recently and she said I should do 45 minutes of cardio, but it should be 15 minutes each on three different machines rather than 45 minutes on one. If you're working out at the gym, you could try that. It helped me kick-start my body into losing again, after sitting at the same weight for over a month.
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