November Cycling Challenge



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I only just stumbled across this thread! LOVE the idea of an off season challenge for my cycling. I ride from March to Sept., but then it gets too cold, wet and dark for me, so I quit. This year I have been planning to set up the thingy inside for my bike, (thingy is the technical term, dontcha know?) but I haven't had time to junk out the basement yet. A challenge would get me there! Are you doing this for December too? I've got to put on another 200k to make 3000 for the year. I'm excited now, I'm gonna do it!

    I will start another one in December. I may be away from my bike, but I don't want to be away from the inspiration that I get from all of you!
  • deckthomas
    deckthomas Posts: 10 Member
    11/2 - Friday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/3 -Saturday: 25.2 miles morning ride
    11/5 - Monday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/6 - Tuesday: 28.1 miles Commute to work + Torrey Pines Hill
    11/7 - Wednesday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/9 - Friday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/10 - Saturday Home to Coggan Aquatics Center 18.1 miles
    11/12 - Monday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/13 - Tuesday: 28.1 miles Commute to work + Torrey Pines Hill
    11/14 - Wednesday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/16 - Friday: 26.7 miles Commute to work ===> 286.4 miles so far
    11/17 - Wednesday: 21.1 miles Fairbanks Ranch Santa Luz Loop
    11/18 - Monday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/19 - Tuesday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/21 - Wednesday: 17.9 miles Fairbanks Ranch 4S Loop
    11/24 - Saturday: 7.4 Black Mountain Peak
    11/26 - Monday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/27 - Tuesday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/28 - Wednesday: 26.7 miles Commute to work
    11/30 Friday Planned : 26.7 miles Commute to work 494 miles Total

    Made it and then some... planned to commute 3 days per week after the time change and except for the holiday week managed 4. Good for saving the gas dollars !!!

    iCommute Achievements
    Money saved: $ 205
    Gasoline saved: 16 gal
    CO2 saved: 361 pounds
    Trips not driven alone: 30 trips
    Miles not driven alone: 401 miles
  • cyclenut64
    My goal for November is 300 miles
    11-4 41 miles
    11-7 10 miles
    11-11 21 miles
    11-15 12 miles
    11-18 40 miles
    11-22-40 miles
    11-26 25 miles
    11-28 15 miles
    96 remaining
    I guess I wont make my goal.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    iCommute Achievements
    Money saved: $ 205
    Gasoline saved: 16 gal
    CO2 saved: 361 pounds
    Trips not driven alone: 30 trips
    Miles not driven alone: 401 miles

    These are the important numbers!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    My goal for November is 300 miles
    11-4 41 miles
    11-7 10 miles
    11-11 21 miles
    11-15 12 miles
    11-18 40 miles
    11-22-40 miles
    11-26 25 miles
    11-28 15 miles
    96 remaining
    I guess I wont make my goal.

    Take the day off and go ride a Century :laugh: rule #5
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Mountain Bike (or Spin Class) - any "outdoor" distances via mapmyride

    Nov. 2nd: 15 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 5th: 16 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 7th: 16 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 12th: 15 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 14th: 17 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 16th: 17 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 18th: 12 miles - I finally got outside for a ride & it was chilly, but I felt great !!! (37 degrees)
    Nov. 19th: 15 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 21st: 15 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 26th: 17 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 28th: 17 miles (*Spin Class*)
    Nov. 30th: 15 miles (*Spin Class*

    Total for December = 187 miles (*Goal reached* +37 miles)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    1/11/2012 - 37.9km -
    2/11/2012 - 40.6km - (indoor)
    3/11/2012 - rest day
    4/11/2012 - 32.4km -
    5/11/2012 - 49.1km -
    6/11/2012 - rest day
    7/11/2012 - 50.8km - (indoor)
    8/11/2012 - 49.2km -
    9/11/2012 - 36.2km - (indoor)
    9/11/2012 - 16.2km - (indoor)
    10/11/2012 - rest day
    11/11/2012 - 104.1km -
    12/11/2012 - 55.1km - (indoor)
    13/11/2012 - 49.2km -
    14/11/2012 - rest day
    15/11/2012 - 49.3km -
    16/11/2012 - 49.2km -
    17/11/2012 - rest day
    18/11/2012 - 129.4km -
    19/11/2012 - 55.8km - (indoor)
    20/11/2012 - rest day
    21/11/2012 - 50.6km - (indoor)
    21/11/2012 - 9.9km - (indoor)
    22/11/2012 - 36.0km -
    23/11/2012 - 49.2km -
    24/11/2012 - rest day
    25/11/2012 - 1.9km - (indoor - ride aborted)
    25/11/2012 - 47.0km - (indoor)
    26/11/2012 - 40.1km - (indoor)
    26/11/2012 - 12.5km - (indoor)
    26/11/2012 - 12.5km - (indoor)
    27/11/2012 - 49.2km -
    28/11/2012 - rest day :frown:
    29/11/2012 - and again! :grumble:
    30/11/2012 - 43.6km -

    1157.0 km for November
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    My goal 70 (it was 60)
    So far 100.14 + 6.11 for todays ride ride = 106.25

    146 even is what my odometer reads total on bike now Woo Hoo
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    A poor month for me mainly caused by working away from home for most of it and only getting short rides in after work on dark unfamiliar flooded roads. Starting to find my way around the Oxford area a little better now so I will hopefully be able to put in a few harder rides next month, on the plus side climbing ladders all day working on converting an old convent into a nursery has been great exercise and the weight is still coming off :smile:
    26 Activities
    387.35 mi
    28:18:40 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    15,210 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.7 mph
    Avg HR:
    122 bpm
    25,265 C
    Max Distance:
    34.20 mi
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    final figures for November 2012

    Count: 26 Activities
    Distance: 719.08 mi
    Time: 42:56:07 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain: 13,972 m
    Avg Speed: 16.7 mph
    Avg HR: 117 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 74 rpm
    Calories: 26,680 C
    Avg Time: 1:39:05 h:m:s
    Max Time: 5:13:05 h:m:s
    Avg Power: 1.6 z
    Max Power: 7.3 z
  • shrinkinginQualicum
    I ride from March to Sept., but then it gets too cold, wet and dark for me, so I quit

    Rule #5 & rule #9! :laugh:

    Sigh! Okay, so I'm a rule-breaker. See also rules #29 & 90. In my defense, I ride a lot in the rain, and cold hasn't really been my enemy, it's the drivers in the dark who are my real nemesis! (Okay, yes, waaahhh) And regarding rule 90, I may not be in my big ring, but I'm ALWAYS going up hills as fast as I can. I love sprinting hills. That's when I pass the roadbikers who leave me behind the rest of the time.
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
    November Mileage Total

    I had every intention of finishing the month with a spinning class this evening but it was cancelled...bummer

    I did go 58 miles beyond the goal I set at the beginning of November. The original goal was 50 miles and that was pretty low but with weather, time changes, hunting season in the woods where I bike,and other life happenings I wanted to set a goal I could meet and even beat and YAY!!! I did do that.

    Congratulations to all of you who rose to the challenge!!!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 10
    Monthly goal 250
    Total so far 115.0

    10/3 - 10.4
    10/4 - 13.4
    10/5 - 6.0
    10/17 - 4.5
    10/18 - 10.6
    10/19 - 4.1
    10/21 - 12.3
    10/22 - 7.3
    10/23 - 26.0
    10/24 - 20.4

    Well short of my goal but still lots of miles.

    Awesome miles posted by everyone here!

    Thanks for posting this challenge CkicketKate!
  • maxroadrash
    maxroadrash Posts: 45 Member
    Progress Summary Report for Maxroadrash
    Count: 19 Activities
    Distance: 935.77 km / 581.46 miles
    Time: 67:36:04 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain: 6,652 m / 21824 ft.
    Avg Speed: 13.8 km/h
    Avg HR: 109 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence: 73 rpm
    Calories: 14,009 C
    Max Distance: 120.85 km
    Max Speed: 61.2 km/h
    Max Avg HR: 132 bpm
    Avg Power: 110 W
    Max Avg Power: 131 W
    Max HR: 167 bpm
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Come on over for December! I hope to see you there!
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Not my best month, just really didn't feel like I had much in the tank to give.

    288.9 miles
    13,988 feet elevation
    23 hours, 24 minutes ridden
  • deckthomas
    deckthomas Posts: 10 Member
    adds up to some serious savings plus I get the health benefits too!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    wooahhhh! thread from the dead!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    You Guys scared me. I saw this November thread and thought that the month had changed and I had forgotten to put up a new thread. Then I remembered that November and April don't follow each other.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Oddly enough in my cycling world it seem April does follow November ;)

    Is there a current thread for cycling miles? I think it is warm enough to start really riding again!