First binge in a month and it's a bad one! :/



  • kalimay2
    kalimay2 Posts: 14 Member
    Of course! I'm happy to help if I can.
  • jekissa729
    Feel free to add me! I have a serious weakness for chocolate and will eat LOTS of it at one time. MFP has made me more aware of this, so I've cut back big time. It also helped that trick or treating was cancelled in our area so I didn't buy candy and didn't have leftovers to eat. I like to offer lots of support. One day of eating like that is really not a big deal, especially with your height and weight. You can jump back into it the next day and not look back.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Hi! :) My name is Jenny and I'm 5'5 113 (114 now probably...) pounds.

    I'm not really new to MFP- I've been using the app on and off on my iPhone under a different account name for years, but I've never really needed the website before until today. You see, I've been binge free for about a month...and then today I binged :( really badly and mostly on the sweets I got from trick or treating last night...which is a lot of mars bars, lindor truffles, cadbury caramels and candy corns. I feel so bad right now and it's like I literally just ruined weeks of hard work and determination in one 4000 calorie binge. So if anyone would like to support me/help me get back on the right track I'd really appreciate it! <3 I don't think I can do this alone, you know?

    Thanks :D

    feel free to add me hun, I am a daily user and will support you all the way!
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    if it was chocolate, those calories don't count. especially on halloween.

    everyone knows that.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    Hi! :) My name is Jenny and I'm 5'5 113 (114 now probably...) pounds.

    I'm not really new to MFP- I've been using the app on and off on my iPhone under a different account name for years, but I've never really needed the website before until today. You see, I've been binge free for about a month...and then today I binged :( really badly and mostly on the sweets I got from trick or treating last night...which is a lot of mars bars, lindor truffles, cadbury caramels and candy corns. I feel so bad right now and it's like I literally just ruined weeks of hard work and determination in one 4000 calorie binge. So if anyone would like to support me/help me get back on the right track I'd really appreciate it! <3 I don't think I can do this alone, you know?

    Thanks :D

    I had close to 5000 calories last saturday and now im back to my weight before. It went up 4 lbs. after which is a lot for me, but went back down. I went for a couple extra jogs this weekend and i lifted a lot at the gym to try to get it back and it worked. the best advice i can give you is to eat some fiber tabs :-) and go run it off!
  • Shyonenz
    Hi Jenny,
    I am new too and yesterday was faced with an afternoon tea where I also made some bad choices. It actually wasn't so bad by the end of the day as I stuck to a prawn salad for dinner which was low in calories. Knowing I was off track just allowed me to think about that choice and how I didn't want to do that again. Its about balance. If you feel deprived you are more likely to binge.

    You made a choice, I just hope you enjoyed it at the time (even better, that it didn't taste as good as you thought). Add it into your count and take it as it is ...., just one day.

    As one of my friends said, run around the house for 20 minutes or more and you will have burned some more calories. Drink plenty of water as you are more likely to retain fluid after eating crap so water will help flush it and make you feel better.

    And at the end of the day, well done you for the rest of the month where you have been tracking. Look forward to the rest of your day and don't beat yourself up. You are awesome and are doing really well. One day out of so many is nothing. You can do it.

    Good Luck :)
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    awilmeri: Yes! Well actually it's called "trunk" or treating where I'm from. My school gets all of it's professors to set up their cars with the trunks open, and fill the backs with buckets full of candy for the students to raid. It's really fun! Why do you ask?

    lauren3101: Basically what I told awilmeri. I love Halloween, don't judge me, okay?! Haha xD

    Omigosh! My church did Trunk or Treating last night too .. it's also a school - the youth group ran it! How cool is that! My son loves volunteering there .. he's 18 now too ..
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm a huge chocolate addict too, so I can totally relate. It's just one day, and nobody is perfect. You should see my diary from last Friday - ugh. Not only did I make terrible choices, but I had a plan in place and then deliberately ignored it in exchange for some fabulous food. It happens. Don't beat yourself up over it. Today is a new day.

    I'm justifying my Kit Kat indulgence last night because I must have walked to my front door and back to the family room about a billion times......:wink:

    (And 114# is TEENY!)

    Feel free to add me if you want, I'm on here every day.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Hi jenny who is 5'5" and 113 now probably 114 pounds....


    Here is your reality check.

    You can afford to gain that pound. It's not going to make your thin self look bad. In fact you could gain a few more pounds and still be perfectly beautiful.

    Forgive yourself and eat better today.

    Michelle who is 5'2" and a beautiful 185.8 pounds and will never ever ever ever weight 114 pounds

    I agree with you to an extent, but a binge is a binge - regardless of size. It's the way it makes you feel mentally, why you do it, and the impact it has on you that counts. Not your starting weight. I don't mean to be harsh but the tone of your post makes me question your motive for putting it up.

    To the OP, why did you binge? Anxious, bored, nervous, stressed? Try and get to the bottom of that and don't dwell too much on the calorie count.

    This! Not impressed with the original comment of "Here's your reality check" .. pfft .. I'm 5'4 and normally weigh 105 lbs! I quit smoking back in August and shot up to 121 lbs.. YUCK .. I'm a small and petite frame .. I suddenly looked like a fat donut! I'm down to 115 lbs and slowly working my way back to my original weight. I'm 46 years old and except for when I was pregnant .. I never weighed more than 110 lbs! And I was a U.S. Marine too.. Don't judge small and petite framed people. We're all here looking for support .. not to bash each other out of jealousy! We all have our health issues and reasons for being here ..
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    I would say you need to learn to love yourself. Women aren't meant to be sticks. We actually need body fat for our bodies to operate normally. Don't hate on me because I don't think you have to be ultra thin to be beautiful or healthy.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I would say you need to learn to love yourself. Women aren't meant to be sticks. We actually need body fat for our bodies to operate normally. Don't hate on me because I don't think you have to be ultra thin to be beautiful or healthy.

    Thin, "stick" like figures can be just as beautiful as fuller ones and this comment ins inappropriate. The OP is at a healthy BMI of 18.8 and was looking for support about a binge and has said many things that would hint that she does in fact have an ED, BINGE eating disorder, and is using this site as a tool to help it.

    She never once said she was trying to lose weight, so a lot of these comments are out of line. Remember this is my FITNESS pal not my weightloss pal.
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    I never said she needed to loose weight. I said the OP was beautiful the way she was. Body acceptance seems to be something that is severely lacking in this place.
  • WinterChocolate
    Katbody10: No way, that's kind of like how it was with me!! :O And congratulations, as someone who grew up in a family full of smoke and drug addicts it's really great to hear that you (even if you are a random stranger haha) have managed to break a habit! Great job!! :)

    This is my first time in my entire life that I've ever weighed more than 112 pounds for a period of time longer than 2 months, and although I'm not in love with my body I do tolerate it...I still wish I was back to my previous weight of 108 pounds! It's because I quit/am trying to quit self harming but it seems that I am now self harming in a different stuffing myself. I don't know why I hadn't realized this sooner, it just occurred to me today during dinner after I gorged myself- yet again- on scalloped potatoes. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere! yay

    Oh and that's so cool your church did trunk or treating! I didn't expect to meet anybody else on here who has heard about it before...haha neat :D

    JennKie1: I'll definitely add you! Your right, it is only one day...I'm sure that if I stick to my diet really well for the next week or two everything should be back to normal. Besides, in the grand scheme of thing 365 days of messing up out of the what, 20 thousand I'm alive really won't affect me much- or you either!

    Shyonenz: Hello, it's nice to meet you. Thank you, your really helpful! I did enjoy today, and I think I got all my cravings out of my system as well so that's always good. Stay healthy :)

    Cbrrabbit25: Lol nice advice!! I'm going to the gym tomorrow and I definitely plan on running or using the elliptical! Have a great day
  • WinterChocolate
    I wouldn't dream of losing weight right now! While I do miss being 108 lbs, there's no way I plan on going back there anytime soon until I sort the rest of my life out. What I care most about right now is finding the root of my binging problem, learning how to deal with it and THEN maybe, just maybe losing 1-2 vanity pounds. And even then I don't think I'll even have to try to lose those pounds, because hopefully by learning to control my binging habits my body will just naturally sort itself out and get back to a weight it's comfortable at. Even if that weight isn't 108 pounds but 112 or 114 instead :)
  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
    It happens, and then we move on. I think that you are OK, as you could probably afford to gain a couple of pounds. Binging is a hard habit to break.

    As for all the people out there sniping about you trick-or-treating, I would pay no mind. There seems to be some people on this site who are all about being judge and jury about a person's life, and who do not want to stick to the subject at hand....weight control. Ignore them.

    Other than maybe having diarrhea and a stomach ache today, forget about yesterday. Today is a new day!:drinker:
  • NursRatchett
    NursRatchett Posts: 39 Member
  • Lantzbug
    Oh goodness, I think the forums have done me in today. I know this wasn't posted about me because i've not posted anything on this thread yet, but I am only 4'11 and I'm currently 187.2 lbs., I don't know why I"m so emotional but this made me cry. I can't believe I'm crying over something that is NOT about me. Wholly crap I"m a heifer :sad:
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Oh goodness, I think the forums have done me in today. I know this wasn't posted about me because i've not posted anything on this thread yet, but I am only 4'11 and I'm currently 187.2 lbs., I don't know why I"m so emotional but this made me cry. I can't believe I'm crying over something that is NOT about me. Wholly crap I"m a heifer

    Aww sweetie .. (hugs) .. I'm not normally abrasive like that. I'm here to help and cheer everyone on! You are NOT a heifer. I get offended when people bash small, petite people like me .. I get defensive. Just like I haven't walked in your shoes .. You haven't walked in mine and it certainly is NOT how I view people here.

    My comment was inappropriate and I am truly sorry you were hurt by it. It was not meant for you at all .. or anyone else .. only the rude person who felt it's okay to bash us who are on the other end of the spectrum. We have feelings too and it hurts us just as much. :flowerforyou:
  • WinterChocolate
    I'd say my goal right now is to look better, but never weigh more than 115 pounds since that's a number I don't really feel like I could handle seeing on the scale.
  • Lantzbug
    Oh goodness, I think the forums have done me in today. I know this wasn't posted about me because i've not posted anything on this thread yet, but I am only 4'11 and I'm currently 187.2 lbs., I don't know why I"m so emotional but this made me cry. I can't believe I'm crying over something that is NOT about me. Wholly crap I"m a heifer

    Aww sweetie .. (hugs) .. I'm not normally abrasive like that. I'm here to help and cheer everyone on! You are NOT a heifer. I get offended when people bash small, petite people like me .. I get defensive. Just like I haven't walked in your shoes .. You haven't walked in mine and it certainly is NOT how I view people here.

    "Michelle" was snide and snarky in her comment .. "get a reality check" and I thought to myself .. How dare she judge that young woman .. or anyone like her! My comment was inappropriate and I am truly sorry you were hurt by it. It was not meant for you at all .. or anyone else .. only the rude person who felt it's okay to bash us who are on the other end of the spectrum. We have feelings too and it hurts us just as much. :flowerforyou:

    thank you