7up free (diet 7up)

On the label it says: sugar free and calorie free. But it actually has 90 calories per 2 litres.

I don't understand.. why does it say calorie free?? Gotta add them to my cals now.:grumble: :grumble:


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    WHA?! they can't say it's calorie free if it's got cals in it! What the poopsicle!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    They probably can get away with calling it calorie free if it has under some number per serving. The 2 liter bottle probably has around 8 servings. So that would be just over 10 cal/serving.

    Sorry, I agree, misleading labels don't do us any good.
  • dogmeat
    dogmeat Posts: 83
    To claim "Calorie free" you need to have < 5 kcal per serving.

    7up Free contains "under 5 Calories" per 250ml serving, and therefore about 40 kcal in a 2 litre bottle. "Serving sizes" are generally misleading as most small bottles/cans are ~ 330ml.