How has your life changed since losing the wt--or has it?



  • bertabird
    I haven't reached my goal yet, but I am working on it! Dropping this weight has made me more aware of how big I really was and how I never want to go there again. I started my journey in October of last year, but didn't come to MFP until March. Since Oct. of 2011, I have lost 77 pounds. Since last week of March I have lost 57. The big change in my life came when I started a low carb diet in March. I finally was able to find something that actually worked. No more yo-yo dieting for this chica!

    My life is better, much better. I can actually go to the store and buy clothes that I know will fit. I don't have to order my clothes online because I can find some near home. Yay!

    I also move better and feel it in my physical movement. I can stand up or sit down without feeling the weight in my knees. I also have more flexibility and stamina. My sexlife has improved too. My confidence is WAAAAAYYY up and I feel amazing!

    I am jogging now. This from the woman who said, "I don't run unless I am getting chased or paid!" Yep. That WAS me, NOW I jog in quick bursts to get my heartrate up when out with the pooch for a walk. I feel amazing and get compliments all the time.

    Funny, when I was at 298 pounds in Oct of 2011, I felt like a biological experiment gone bad. Now I remember that feeling and whenever I feel the urge to cheat or to think less of myself, I remember that time and I feel... inspired, revigorated and absolutely FABULOUS!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think this is kind of a mixed bag... and I know I'm not alone when I say that a lot of my relationships have changed. When my boyfriend and I started dating, I weighed over 100lbs more than I do now, and though he's been extremely supportive, I think my new self confidence makes me seem like a different person. I'm not a pushover anymore and I don't let people walk all over me. I'm much more assertive & don't put up with drama or petty BS. A few months ago, I lost my best friend of 14+ years because she told me that I needed to reverse my lap band because I'd lost too much weight and we just didn't really ever talk again after that.

    It's definitely been a great journey, but challenging in some respects as well. I think the most important thing is to have an awesome support system around you - including people who can keep you grounded!

    First of all you so ROCK and I'm proud as can be of you! I also so appreciate your posting this, because this is definitely going to be a change for some if not all of us too. It's a change and change doesn't always involve sunshine, Lollipops and roses. Thank you again so much for posting--it's very encouraging to me, because your post will help me prepare me for the reality of this life change too!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bail8gent1
    This is a great topic !!

    5 things have changed and impacted my life since losing weight....

    1. No longer sweat as much as I did when I was 235lbs or more !
    2. More Energy for sure.
    3. Stopped Snoring which I would wake myself up ... Lol - I am sure you all have done this before also... haha
    4. I get compliments from people which is def a Confidence booster.
    5. I think the biggest for me would be that I know I am adding years to my life rather than taking away them - hope that made sense!
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    The biggest thing? It's a lot easier to run. I've lost a total of 27 lbs (20 since REALLY using MFP), which isn't a huge amount compared to some, but I notice that my body is thankful. My knees and back don't hurt, my feet don't ache and I don't get up in the morning feeling like I went through a war. This is a huge thing!

    Another thing, I am back to the point where I don't think "oh, I should go out and run today," rather I say, "I'm GOING to run today." And then I do. I love that feeling, I love that it's part of my routine again and it helps me get through the rough days... And I love that I am so much healthier because of it.

    I also love that I don't obsess about my body as much, the problem areas. I look at my legs and think, "how amazing that I have legs and muscles that can carry me for miles, even when my brain wants to give up!," It's definitely a major change in my point of view. And gives my confidence a boost.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    The biggest change is that I can now get ready in 5 mins! It used to take me an hour because I'd have to go through my whole wardrobe changing clothes each time I got dressed because it looked bad or didn't fit. Now everything fits and I can get ready in 5 mins or less! :drinker:

    I'm exactly the same!
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    I'm confident! I can relax now! No more anxiety! I feel like ME! I'm ready to take on the world! I found success by eating a healthy well balanced diet and exercising regularly. I think the combination is key to being your best - inside and out!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Everything is better. No, seriously.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I can run a hell of a lot faster. I also quit smoking 64 days and I am LOSING (not gaining) weight!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I have only recently restarted my weight loss journey and made a rule to only weigh myself once a month, so I don't know weight wise my progress. However, since I have restarted the journey, I have have noticed I eat a lot less than I'm use to. I will grab a big portion that I can normally eat and not be able to finish it. It's weird yet comforting at the same time. Now if I could just get the portion sizes right.

    From previous tries, things I hope to feel again:

    -the feeling of putting on something that was originally tight but now fits.
    -more energy
    -not getting tired after just getting ready in the morning.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    My clothes fit a lot better!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Definitely more self confidence. The compliments are great of course but some of it also comes from the accomplishments I've made, especially on the fitness end of things. Not only am I a runner now, which is a total mind blower, but I can do even basic things like change the shower curtain without my arms hurting and I can tie my shoes without feeling like I'm going to pass out.

    Being more at peace with myself. Before I didn't like how I ate and how lazy I was but I didn't know how to change it and I didn't care enough about myself to change it. And I remember having a conversation with Hubs after I quit Atkins (this was like 8 years ago) thinking there had to be something wrong with me and considering seeking counseling because I just couldn't stick with any diet and I was feeling so helpless. Now that I know it's not about having to deprive/starve myself or kill myself in the gym and that gradual loss is better than no loss, I just feel so much better about all of it. I'm still pretty dependent on tracking but I've skipped it a few times this year while on trips and know I can make good choices on my own without it. That is a huge step right there...
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    I love reading and seeing the success stories here so much. They are even more encouraging to me than you can imagine, your success stories and pics help me to really believe that if you guys can do it...I can too!

    That got me to wondering how your life has changed since you've taken off the weight? Even for those who may not have reached their goals yet, but are working on it diligently day by day. Has your life changed, if so how? If not, why not (or why do think it/your life hasn't changed?

    wow i jumped when i saW ur pic and for a moment thoughT i made the post lol... we have something in common i see....

    and to ur question... i have not reached my goal yet, but i've lost 21.6 and life has certainly changed....
    1. Its SO much easier to get ready for work in the morning or get ready for anywhere for that matter
    2. I dont feel unconfortable in my clothes anymore
    3. I'm way way more confident
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    The biggest change is that I can now get ready in 5 mins! It used to take me an hour because I'd have to go through my whole wardrobe changing clothes each time I got dressed because it looked bad or didn't fit. Now everything fits and I can get ready in 5 mins or less! :drinker:

    I'm exactly the same! AWSOME :)
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I'm about halfway to my goal and I feel differently about myself. When I look in the mirror I still see all of the trouble areas I'm working to fix, but I think I've gained some confidence I didn't realize I had. I went out this weekend with a couple of friends and got hit on by eight different men. As someone who has never been hit on like that, it was a huge ego boost.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    wow i jumped when i saW ur pic and for a moment thoughT i made the post lol... we have something in common i see....

    and to ur question... i have not reached my goal yet, but i've lost 21.6 and life has certainly changed....
    1. Its SO much easier to get ready for work in the morning or get ready for anywhere for that matter
    2. I dont feel unconfortable in my clothes anymore
    3. I'm way way more confident

    Girl....WOW, me too--we're twins :wink: Now if you had the same weight sign/fitness ticker
    (Sweat is Fat Crying)--that would be kinda scary
    :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :laugh: :laugh:
  • brookea87
    brookea87 Posts: 47 Member
    Same here. I need to go shopping so bad because almost everything is too big now! Definately feels great though!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can run a hell of a lot faster. I also quit smoking 64 days and I am LOSING (not gaining) weight!

    Wow, now that's a huge change! You ROCK sir, period. Woot!:glasses:
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    My life has changed in uncountable ways since I started this journey. First, I'm healthier. I can fit more easily into "normal" people stuff (seats, etc). Hell, "normal" people have pretty awesome clothing! I stopped snoring, I can (and enjoy!) being active. Hiking, walking, going to the gym, strength training -- all of these are no longer "man I wish I was doing..." to "I /love/ doing..."

    I've got a lot more self-confidence, though I do have my ups and downs, still. I've still got a ways to go, but it feels good to be noticed for all my hard work. It feels good to *feel* good. One of the best NSV's I had this week was the fact that after rushing the SO (who lost 70+ pounds himself!) to the ER and then getting admitted, I could crawl into the hospital bed with him, and we could be there, together, comfortably side-by-side. I know without a shadow of a doubt that a year ago today, that would never have happened.

    I feel like I've regained myself and my life.
  • simplyshrinking
    simplyshrinking Posts: 94 Member
    I'm about half way towards my goal weight. However, I feel more confident and enjoying my new lifestyle!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Wow...just WOW to you ALL. Thanks so much for posting, your replies are nothing less than tremendous to me! Woot to you ALL!!!!!

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