Thanksgiving-Strategies to Stay on Track!

Yes, it is true. I am already thinking about Thanksgiving. Okay, lets be honest – I have been thinking about those delicious casseroles and scrumptious desserts for months! I can’t help it, I LOVE Thanksgiving for the following reasons: 1) My family. Everyone gathers from all over the state and let’s just say – we have ourselves a good time. 2) Each family cooks/bakes the yummiest dishes they can think of and brings it all to one household.

I am not sure how you guys do it, but in my family – we do it buffet style. You start at the beginning, grab a plate and from there, you move down the line – one mouth-watering option after another.

I have literally gone back and forth on the issue of “to go ahead and splurge or to stay on track” about 4 billion times; parts of me think “oh it is only one day a year, splurge away!” and the other parts of me think “you have worked your BEHIND off – don’t hinder your progress for one day”. Well folks, I think I have come up with a solution! I am using STRATEGIES, so that I can allow myself a little flexibility but not regret my choices later on…

1) I plan to eat a low calorie/filling breakfast later in the morning (about 10 a.m.). This way, when Thanksgiving lunch rolls around, I am not super hungry and more tempted to splurge.
2) I plan to drink an 8oz. cup of water before meal time.
3) I plan to chew gum while I go through the “buffet” line.
4) I plan to fill my plate with turkey/vegetables and allow myself (1) scoop of casserole and (1) small slice of dessert.

Some of them may sound silly, but I know they will work for me!

What about you? Are you splurging on this special Holiday or do you have strategies of your own? If so, tell us what yours are!


  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Have no idea what we are doing at this point, but will most likely have dinner here and invite friends. Most of our friends are pretty adventures from a culinary standpoint and no one has many set side dishes that they just have to have. The worst for me though is going to be stuffing.... it is my favorite part of the meal and something that I cannot have. This will be the first Thanksgiving since becoming 100% gluten free.
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    My family doesn't really do casseroles, I can pretty much guess what our delicious Thanksgiving meal will be:

    1. Turkey (of course!)
    2. Stuffing
    3. Mashed potatoes
    4. Peas

    Sometimes there will be one or two other items. Sweet potatoes, generally. Sometimes green beans. I love items 1-4 because they taste delicious when you have a little bit of each on a fork!

    There will also be gravy, but I generally don't eat that.

    I think my strategy will be to up the proportion of peas, keep the same on the turkey, and try to reduce the amount of stuffing and mashed potatoes I eat. Maybe I could convince my family that there should be a salad involved as well?
  • runnninginmd
    I plan on eating whatever I want and however much I want of it. I work out vigorously seven days a week, I watch my diet carefully, I actually lost below my goal, I'm running a half marathon Thanksgiving morning, and most importantly, you have to live a little. It's one meal and it's a tradition... just enjoy it. If you restrict yourself too much this "lifestyle change" will never last.
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    My plan is to have half a plate of vegetables, and the other half whatever I want.

    ...And a slice of pie.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Here's my strategy for Thanksgiving....
    1) Workout early that am. I am planning on a long run (6 ish miles), or something that is equally taxing.
    2) Healthy but filling breakfast. I am planning on making oatmeal in the crockpot, topped with fresh fruit for breakfast.
    3) I'm making some of the sides myself, and making them healthier (sweet potatoes with half the cream and butter, no marshmallow topping), steamed or roasted green beans instead of that casserole, a salad with a dressing I make myself so I know the calorie count, my own cranberry relish, as well as a Cooking Light pumpkin pie recipe. This will help me splurge a bit on calories, but know that some of the dishes are healthier than they otherwise might be if someone else made them.
    4) A long walk after Thanksgiving dinner, maybe taking the kids to the playground for a bit if it's not too cold.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    My strategy for Thanksgiving?


    Jesus Christ people, it's ONE DAY! This is a lifestyle change, there are going to be holidays, and birthday parties, and things that come up where we will want to splurge. I eat pretty clean about 90% of the time, so one day of splurging is not going to be the end of the world.

    Happy Thanksgiving and GO TEXANS!
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I will eat whatever I want, but I am logging it all. Oh, and I am hosting so there will be healthier items on the menu as well. Looking forward to it!! The end goal is not to allow myself to feel deprived or guilty, no matter what I eat.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    I plan to enjoy Thanksgiving but not over-indulge. I'll prob stay away from mashtaters and gravy all together but they aren't my favorite anyway. Actually if all I ate was a big plate of my grandma's tropical sweet potatoes I'd be a happy Thanksgiving girl. Most of all I plan to NOT beat myself up about what I do or don't eat. I can work off a slice of pie and would rather do that than hate myself for eating it. Self loathing about food leads to a bad situation.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving and GO TEXANS!
    Oh come on!! Can't the Lions win just ONE Thanksgiving Day game....just once?? Please??? Ok, probably won't happen this year either :sad:

    That being said...I agree..its ONE DAY. If you can eat that much in one day, you're probably going to be sick as a dog the next day, and stressing about it three weeks in advance only makes it worse. Make a plate, eat slow and stop when you're full...then back on track the day after...
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving and GO TEXANS!
    Oh come on!! Can't the Lions win just ONE Thanksgiving Day game....just once?? Please??? Ok, probably won't happen this year either :sad:

    That being said...I agree..its ONE DAY. If you can eat that much in one day, you're probably going to be sick as a dog the next day, and stressing about it three weeks in advance only makes it worse. Make a plate, eat slow and stop when you're full...then back on track the day after...
    HA HA, No sorry! The Texans have never even played on Thanksgiving day! I cheer your "Loins" on every week, except for 11/22! :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Eat a box of kleenex to take up space so I get full faster.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    My family doesn't really do casseroles, I can pretty much guess what our delicious Thanksgiving meal will be:

    1. Turkey (of course!)
    2. Stuffing
    3. Mashed potatoes
    4. Peas

    Sometimes there will be one or two other items. Sweet potatoes, generally. Sometimes green beans. I love items 1-4 because they taste delicious when you have a little bit of each on a fork!

    There will also be gravy, but I generally don't eat that.

    I think my strategy will be to up the proportion of peas, keep the same on the turkey, and try to reduce the amount of stuffing and mashed potatoes I eat. Maybe I could convince my family that there should be a salad involved as well?

    Yes a salad is a great idea, I usually eat a full plate of salad before digging in the other things!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    My strategy for Thanksgiving?


    Was about to say the EXACT same thing.
  • jonisteenhoek
    jonisteenhoek Posts: 92 Member
    I'm not 100% sure how I will plan for Thanksgiving, but here is what I have learned: even if I indulge, it is no where near how I indulged before I started on this journey. My tummy can no longer handle multiple helpings of deliciousness. Also, in the back of mind, whether I'm trying to let go and eat whatever I want, I am always thinking about how many calories this is or that is, so I probably take less of it.....Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!!
  • SocWkrBee
    My strategy for Thanksgiving?


    Jesus Christ people, it's ONE DAY! This is a lifestyle change, there are going to be holidays, and birthday parties, and things that come up where we will want to splurge. I eat pretty clean about 90% of the time, so one day of splurging is not going to be the end of the world.

    Happy Thanksgiving and GO TEXANS!

    Yes, all of this! Besides the part about the Texans. Although I would move heaven and earth to get Arian Foster to marry me. Anyway, I digress. I am going to inhale all of they yummy food that I can...dare anyone to try and stop me!
  • tmfrater77
    tmfrater77 Posts: 26 Member
    :wink: I'm doing a Turkey Trot race on Thanksgiving morning and will encourage my family to take a brisk stroll through the neighborhood with me after dinner. It's the one day I'm trying to plan ahead for right now by amping up my workouts & really watching what I eat and passing on the extra Thanksgiving spreads like those at my job and various groups I belong to. It's the one day I will allow myself to have a small piece of whatever I want to have. :wink:

    I can remember skipping some tasty treats in the past from family members that are no longer here with us and now I have regrets thinking I will NEVER get to taste their cooking anymore. :sad: So I say prepare beforehand & live it up on that one day & then get back on track afterwards.....for me, that means no leftovers. :blushing:
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I will be avoiding the kitchen through prep time unless I am needed where I will volunteer to help prep a food that is not one of my favorites to resist tasting or licking the spoon.
    I will be as far away from all food as possible to resist the temptation to nibble. I live far away from my family so catching up and talking will be a great excuse for not being near the food.
    I will volunteer to take my niece and nephew and/or other small children outside so they are not under-foot for a bit.
    I will fill 1/2 my plate with veggies and enjoy 1 desert.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    My strategy for Thanksgiving?


    Jesus Christ people, it's ONE DAY! This is a lifestyle change, there are going to be holidays, and birthday parties, and things that come up where we will want to splurge. I eat pretty clean about 90% of the time, so one day of splurging is not going to be the end of the world.

    Happy Thanksgiving and GO TEXANS!

    Same here! Since I'm a vegetarian all I eat is the sides which means no protein and I have to eat a whole lot more to fill up, while getting my drink on. I fully expect to be rolled home.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    mine is easy, i grew up in a family that, for religious belief purposes, did not ever celebrate thanksgiving, and the past 6 years or so i have spent with my (now ex) girlfriends family, since i'm single now and don't feel like cooking i'll just eat normal like every other day of the year, problem solved :wink: :laugh:
  • lindafjohnson
    Yes I have been thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas all ready. I can make it through Thanksgiving as I cook everything my self for my two sons and their families and the homemade yeast rolls will be the worst thing for me. I am usually so tired by the time I cook it all I am to tired to eat. Will try to do my treadmill in the am but Christmas will be harder as we all bring a dish to my moms. I absolutely LOVE my sisters potato salad and macaroni salad and my moms ham and biscuits. These will be my worst enemies and I will be so busy that day with cooking and traveling there will be no time for exercise. I have come to a conclusion... its only one time a year that I get this food cause I know better than to fix it at home sooo.. I will eat it but the bad foods will be eaten in smaller portions and I usually bring some home but not this yr and if my mom fixes my absolutely favorite dessert in the whole wide world, lemon pie, I will eat a small piece. I won't over indulge as I have worked to hard so far and I will keep that upmost in my mind as I eat all these great foods. Its hard to believe it will be here in 3 more wks. Happy early Thanksgiving to all