not sure what to do.

could someone tell me what would be good to eat at this point in the day? you can look at my food dairy. i am a vegaterain if that helps


  • niccup
    niccup Posts: 32
    Hello! I usually have a smoothie for my snack at least once a day. Its a very easy and quick way to get some more food in ya. try 1 cup fat free yogurt, 1 cup fruit ( i get frozen fruit), 1 cup 1% milk and half a banana. Its REALLY yummy!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • jcompton3821
    I just had a 110 cal Blue Bell Fudge bar.....I figure it's got calcium in it....:wink: now I have 17 cals left in my day....sooooo..that'll be it for me!!
  • Bernadette69
    I asked the same question a week or so ago. Someone suggested a rice cake and low fat peanut butter. It is a staple with me now. Love it!
  • tiffvea
    tiffvea Posts: 51
    This is a little late, but you can save this for another undecided day! If you are only wanting a small snack, I love light mozzarella string cheese. My 8 year old and I will see how long it takes us to "string" it! If you want something a little more filling, like one post said, a smoothie would be great! I love the Berry Booster Protein Smoothie....1/2 cup fresh or frozen unsweetened strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup rasberries, 1/3 cup orange juice and 1/2 cup All Whites (liquid egg whites)..........blend and enjoy! 76 calories, 2 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein!