
Has anyone tried taking the supplement resveratrol? The most recent issue of Fitness magazine that I received yesterday had an interesting article about it. It is an antioxidant found in red wine, grapes, and berries and they say it may help boost endurance, stave off weight gain and improve energy. Just curious if anyone has taken it and their experience with it.


  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    I haven't, but I'm wondering why you wouldn't want to just add more grapes, berries, and red wine to your diet? You need these things anyway, plus they're low cal and probably cheaper than the supplement.
  • luke_863413

    Doesn't really sound like it's all cracked up to be. As a pharmacy student, I'm not a huge fan of OTC supplements anyway. Just my opinion.
  • amthomps521
    I'm thinking it's probably a waste of money, but if anyone out there has tried it?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member

    Doesn't really sound like it's all cracked up to be. As a pharmacy student, I'm not a huge fan of OTC supplements anyway. Just my opinion.
    The article you're quoting is for drugs based on resveratrol, not the it's natural form as trans-resveratrol.
  • PrincessSaraMarie88
    I'm thinking it's probably a waste of money, but if anyone out there has tried it?

    I am taking Resveratrol! I feel like I have a more energy...

    The reason why people don't "just add more grapes, berries, and red wine..." is because the MG's are a lot less.

    My friend and I purchase the organic Resveratrol from the Vitamin Shoppe.

    I have also tried the was yummy. But you would have to drink 10, 8oz glasses to get the 500MG that are in the pill. That is 270 g of sugar and 1300 calories. I think I will stick to the pill, and enjoy a glass every now and then.

    Hope this helps!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I only get a fraction of the amount they suggest - but I really love the packaging:bigsmile:
  • mollydog33
    Good Morning, I am just now watching Dr. Oz as he's commenting on this very topic. He takes this suppliment daily at a cost of ~$25 a month. He said it will take years to complete the necessary studies but it's his feeling from what IS known right now, it's a good thing.
    Me...I like the red wine.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    be careful about who you order from. I decided to try it and I clicked on a banner ad that had Dr. Oz's picture on it. I got my "free sample" ($6.95 shipping is not free, BTW) and started trying it out. I didn't notice much difference in how I felt, but what I did notice about a month later was the company hit my credit card for $85!! in the finest of fine print, I had unintentionally signed up for automatic refills of this supplement at a cost of $85/month!!!! AND I never got my money back, my bank wouldn't help me, there is nobody answering the phone at the 1-800 number, and basically I get my fur up anytime I even think of Resveratrol now :mad: :explode: I ended up having to cancel my card and get a new one in order to prevent more charges!

    be careful the internet is FULL of scams
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    They had this on Dr. Oz today. He said he takes it because he thinks its worth it but there isn't anything to back it up really and they won't know for years. He said he takes 500mg a day.