Day #9 and not seeing any results..

This is day 9 for me. I have been under my calorie goal for all nine days. I have no problems drinking the 8 glasses of water. I have also walked 9 miles during this time. Just wondering if this is normal, or if I am doing something wrong.


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    how many calories are you eating ??? Are you eating some or all of your exercise calories?? Its a trial by error .... you have to keep your body guessing .... best of luck to you
  • fatbuda1397
    keep up the good work...eating healthy and exersise is going to give you great results...being under your calorie goal may not be a good thing...make sure that you are getting enough sleep and the foods that you are eating are nutrient rich to help your body get healthy...the time that you eat in relation to when you rest my also slow weight loss...but hey how many of your friends have done 9 miles in 9 days...good for you
  • daisytkc
    I am in the same vote as you. Under my calorie goal, no weight loss yet. I burn alot of calories at work. In the last 14 days never met my calorie goal yet. something is bound to happen soon!!! Understand your frustration totally.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Did you do your measurements? I find that really motivating because many times when I am not seeing the numbers move I am still showing progress with losing inches.

    I am also wondering if maybe you aren't eating enough calories. I don't know, just a though. How much under are you?
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    aww... that sux!! just keep doing good and dont lose hope and you will lose eventually!!!! keep up the good work!!!
  • jconway
    jconway Posts: 8 Member
    A couple things come to mind.....#1: did you take your measurements or do a professional BMI? Since muscle weighs more then fat, this will help you accurately track your progress. #2: Are you getting your heart rate up when you walk. Although it is moving, you will have more success if you get into your personal heart rate zone. #3: What are you calorie intake goals? And how close are you getting? a couple calories is okay, however a lot is not. #4: are you watching your sugar intake? #5: Have you thought about taking any supplements to take it up a notch? I use Advocare and it has helped me lose almost 6" in 6 days and 11 lbs in 11 days. I am a distributor and can help you with your needs. If you are interested, please check out:

    Best of LUCK!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Questfor250
    Okay, its been 9 days. let me ask you this. Are you really sticking to the plan suggested by MFP? Did you do a 7 day cleanse to get started? Are you drinking your gallon of water every day? Are you taking a multi vitamin? Did you take measurements? Are your clothes fitting differently. I ask all this because there are changes happening in your body. Give it time. Guys will lose much faster than women so don't lose hope. This is all about a lifestyle change isn't it? I suggest that you add me as a friend and allow me and other friends to view your diary. Maybe we can pick something up for you. The truth is we are all in this together. We will help you reach your goal. Do not lose hope or faith. it will come. Most likely when you stop worrying about it. Stay off the scale and just do it. Take a look when you've got a full month in.
  • nolan_84
    The lower the calorie goal, the closer you want to get to it. Perhaps your Carb level is too high. You could customize it, maybe drop your carbs by 5%, and add that 5% to the protein. Protein speeds up your metabolism because it's harder for your system to break down. It will also help you gain lean mass which is always a plus. And while walking a mile a day is great, to be honest, it doesn't burn a lot of calories. Maybe up the distance or walk at a faster pace. Also, weight training or strength training may help because the more lean body mass and/or muscle you have, the more calories your body burns at rest. And don't worry about bulking up, 99.9% of women do not make enough testosterone to add that kind of muscle.

    Back to you though... maybe you are overestimating how many calories you burn at work? If you've been doing it for awhile, your body is probably already accustomed to it and not burning what it used to.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think if you give it a little longer, you will see results. I stayed under my calories and exercised when I started, and the first week I GAINED 3 pounds, which took two more weeks to lose, but look at my ticker now. Hang in there, and it will happen. Some bodies just don't respond as quickly as others.
  • jlking
    jlking Posts: 29 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all of the great replies. I didn't realize there was this kind of support out there. To answer a few of your questions:

    1 )MFP has me on a 1,470 calorie a day diet plan. For all 9 days so far I have come in at 1150-1350 calories.
    2) I have been eating some of my exercise calories back, but not even close to all of them.
    3) I do feel much better and seem to have more energy since I started this thing.

    When I look in the mirror, it seems to me that my face and neck look a bit thinner than before. As far as measurements go, I haven't taken any. I am definitely not quitting the diet plan. I have no trouble sticking with it, and haven't been hungry yet.
  • stella_star
    Definitely a good idea to take measurements, it's often where I see the biggest loss.

    I would say on days where you are eating as little as1150 cals you need to make sure you eat more, same goes for exercising - I try to eat at least half of the extra cals earned, I prefer not to eat them all incase I have over-estimated how much I've burned.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    9 days really is not that long at all, and you dont gain muscle in that short time period either, and walking is great but you wont muscle in 9 days for inches to come off from muscle gain. I had the same problem in the beginning. You just have to tweek things here and there. Start adding more calories via healthy snacks. Sounds like you are eating too little.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    9 days is still early. Give it a few more weeks before reevaluating.