Hi from Newbie

Hi, my daughter and I have started MFP and are impressed. Does anyone know how much a bowl represents in the food database. I looked for home-made chilli con carne and joyfully it was there.....but it was measured in bowls??? I think a bowl could be as long as a piece of string - unless it's a US thing like cups.



  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 156 Member
    you can add your own recipes, much better than guessing a bowl :)
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I've never seen it as a bowl. Most bowls are 2 cups filled to the brim so I would guess 1 1/2 cups. But I also use the create your own recipe option. It is great to figure out homemade meals b
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    Interesting screen name... :laugh: Some foods do have the strangest measurements. I'd find a different entry :-)
  • missbigfunbags1977
    Thank you all .....I'll do my own as you suggested. Im finding this whole thing as good as a good thing.