Wifi Scales? To Buy or not to buy?

Hi everyone!

Has anyone of you bought the Withings Wifi scale??


I saw it advertised on MFP and i couldn't stop thinking about it. It's SO EXPENSIVE! it doesn't upload to MFP, but i've got an iphone and it's so fun to look at the graphs!. I can't help it. i'm so tempted!

What do you people think?



  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    It looks sooooooo cool!!!!!!!!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    At the end of the day, it sounds like a very cool looking but very expensive gimmick. So the questions to ask are "will the charts and trend lines help me achieve my goals? What am I doing now that I find lacking without those features?"

    Adding features to any device simply means more features that can break. What are my repair/return options if the on-board computer fails (sensitive electronic equipment that's probably going to be stored in a bathroom [moisture-rich environment])?
  • dhcwong
    dhcwong Posts: 49
    AH! The voice of reason. My husband forbade me to buy them and told me that our scales were good enough and typing in the data manually into MFP was good enough too, thank you very much. Then he went on about the consumerist capitalist culture and how i shouldn't be influenced by these well placed ads.....

    you get the picture.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Oh, man.... Okay, I can understand where he's coming from, but I just figured it was a neat toy that might be promising more than it's worth, not a criticism of society in general...... :laugh: